Song Yan sneers, turns around, wants her to betray that person? It's just wishful thinking.

Her attitude is not angry at all, but rather very happy.

"It seems that you like that person very much, even if you don't know whether the person you like also likes you?" Ningmengyao speaks to herself, but her eyes are still full of song Yan.

After noticing her slightly tightened fist, Ning Mengyao's corner of mouth was slightly raised. It seems that her method is right.

"Don't tell me." Song Yan began to shake her head, unwilling to hear Ning Mengyao go on.

"No? Why not? I think you like that man so much. It doesn't count that you gave birth to a child for him. You even helped others to fight for these forces for his use, even at the expense of your own family. But how good is he to you? What have I done for you? " Ningmengyao reached out and stroked her chin.

If it's anything else, even if it's a punishment, song Yan can carry on. But hearing Ning Mengyao's words, song Yan can't help but think that she hasn't seen that person for a long time. Not only that, that person doesn't even admit her children.

"I've been married to Tianchang for nine years, and it's almost ten years since I met him. Since I met him, there have been no other women around him. Even if there are, they will take the initiative to avoid. That's the way to like someone. But how do I feel that the person you like is just using you?" Ning Mengyao said softly in Song Yan's ear, the voice is very light, light as if to say to himself.

When mollin and Qiao Tianchang finished cleaning up the people who came with song Yan, they heard that Ning Mengyao was saying something like this to song Yan. They were immediately confused.

"What is Mengyao doing?" Maureen asked the two of them in a low voice.

"It's natural to beat song Yan mentally. Don't you see that song Yan is about to collapse?" Yu Fengbai, like Mo Lin, seems to dislike Mo Lin's stupidity.


"My brother-in-law is right. The reason why song Yan can do so much is because he likes someone he shouldn't like. In this case, it's the best choice to beat song Yan with that man." Only in this way can song Yan's heart collapse.

Maureen suddenly felt that Ning Mengyao was really terrible.

"Don't say it, you don't say it." Song Yan's hands can understand. She covers her ears with her hands in pain and is unwilling to listen to Ning Mengyao's words.

She would like to believe that person, that person loves her, and that there are two of them in her heart, but the other side's evidence for a long time is missing, or even turning a blind eye, so that song Yan has no reason to convince herself.

"Why not? You look like you are now. You are all injured. Even my hamstring has been broken. I can't get better. Will that person be nice to you? Your appearance is not the most beautiful, and your ability is not the most outstanding. That person will soon have all kinds of beauties around him. " Ningmengyao's voice seems to be a lot lighter. Not only that, but it seems to be bewitching.

"No, he won't. He said he only liked me. He said that he would marry me with ten li of red makeup when things are over." Song Yan holds her head in both hands and shakes it constantly.

Ning Mengyao looks at Song Yan and smiles coldly. Doesn't she want to provoke their relationship?

Who wouldn't be able to sow discord? Let's see who's finally been instigated.

"Ten li red makeup? Ha ha, don't tease me. Do you think if I had scratched your face again now, would he still have a look at you? " Ning Mengyao picked up the dagger on the ground from one side and slid it gently on Song Yan's face. It was really like that.

Song Yan looked at the sharp dagger and scratched it on his face. He hated it in his heart. Of course, apart from hate, he was more afraid.

"No, I can tell you, you don't scratch my face, don't."