Ning Mengyao looks at Song Yan, who shakes her head all the time, and smiles viciously.

"Do you want to say that? But we don't want to know what to do? " Ning Mengyao looks at Song Yan innocently, and suddenly she doesn't want to know.

"No, no, you let me go, I don't want to be disfigured, No." Even if it's other injuries, it can be cured as long as you raise them. But if you don't disfigure yourself, then

Think about this result, song Yan feels terrible, she can get any injury, but can't hurt her face.

"You say, I made your face the same as Maureen, isn't it very beautiful?" Ning Mengyao looks at Mo Lin's ferocious face, smiles at the woman in front of her and says with a smile.

Before Song Yan did anything, Maureen's face turned black first. What happened to his face? Did you provoke her? What do you want to do with yourself?

"No, I don't want to be that ugly. I don't want to be that ugly." Song Yan kept shaking her head. Her eyes were full of fear for Ning Mengyao. She was afraid that Ning Mengyao would really make her face look like Molin.

Mollin's face, as long as she has a look, she doesn't want to look at it for the second time. After all, it's really disgusting. How can a terrible face appear on her own?

This time, Maureen's face is not only black, but purple. This dead woman dare to say that he is ugly.

Yu Feng reached out and patted Maureen on the shoulder. He smiled very unkindly. Look at Maureen like this. It's a rhythm that will be infuriated.

"Ugly? I thought you liked it. I made you like it. Don't you like Maureen very much? Isn't it good for him to become like this? Are you right? " Ning Mengyao approached song Yan and whispered in her ear. The voice made song Yan shake his head constantly.

"No, I don't like her. I like Nalan, HMM." Nalan's words just came out, song Yan's eyes suddenly opened wide, and then there was no breath.

Ning Mengyao looks at Song Yan who is dead. Her face turns ugly. Is she cut off by someone?

Just to know who did it, people were killed. This result made Ning Mengyao dislike it very much.

Maureen's eyebrows are also tightly wrinkled. Who is song Yan talking about and who will be the Nalan family?

Song Yan's death made Mrs. Mo's face very ugly, but the expression was not sad, but a little like fear. It seemed that they could not live too long after Song Yan's death.

"How could this happen? Isn't Yan'er backed up? Isn't that great? Why is it like this. " Mrs. Mo murmured. All the expectations in her heart were gone for hours. Instead, there was a deep fear.

Like Mrs. Mo, there is master Mo, but he knows better that song Yan was killed.

Song Yan knows a lot, but because he knows too much, he will be killed. The more he knows, the worse he will die.

Ningmengyao could not control what master Mo was thinking. She looked at the dead body which had no breath.

That kind of clear already was about to know, but suddenly by the human to give the direct extinguishment feeling really is not good at all.


"Brother in law, I'm fine. I just feel so depressed." Ning Mengyao said with gnashing teeth.

Isn't it just holding back? Facing the door, I killed people under my nose, which made her feel good.

"Madame, no one has caught up." Qinghuai came in from the outside with a gloomy face.

Ning Mengyao nodded to show that she knew. Now she really felt very angry, especially about song Yan.

"Well, don't be angry. Anyway, at least there's a clue left." Qiao Tianchang helplessly looked at her and said.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang and suddenly feels tired.

"Tianchang, are you sure you are comforting me, not attacking me?" Ning Mengyao wants to cry without tears and looks at Qiao Tianchang. He is speechless.

If she only knew the two characters of Nalan, she might as well not know it. At least she would not feel so frustrated.