But she is happy that several children are very good to take, not very sticky, so she is also very relaxed.

"What happened? What's up? " Originally quite leisurely Ning Mengyao, heard this, hurriedly sat up straight, frowned and asked.

"Don't worry, it's the Xiao family's temptation. It's also in our expectation. What they can do now is only temptation. They really dare not do anything else." Although the influence of the Xiao family has great influence here, it has to be said that Ning Mengyao's original decision was right, and so many families were pulled in, that the Xiao family even knew that it was their industry, they did not dare to directly start.

Ningmengyao is not very angry, but also laughed, but that smile fell into ningmengyao's eyes is a little bit bad meaning.

"The Xiao family is trying to see if those families can do it." Qiao Tianchang squinted and inquired.

"Yes, if they don't want to help, we have no way."

"Don't worry about sister Mei. Since I was able to use this way, I naturally took everything into consideration, so I'm not afraid that they won't help me." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

"What have you done, Xiaoyao?"

"Brother in law, think about the above terms when we signed the contract."

Yufeng and meiruolin have a look at each other. They see doubts in each other's eyes. They think about the original contract carefully. Then Yufeng's eyes widen.

"Xiaoyao had a treaty about it in that contract." Yu Feng looks at Ning Mengyao in shock. He doesn't know that this man started to calculate from that time.

At first, I thought that the contract had no problems at all, but one of them explained that when nishang pavilion was in trouble, they needed their help. If they intended to avoid these problems, they would pay twice as much as they got from them.

Considering the extent of business boom in nishang Pavilion in recent years, Yufeng suddenly didn't worry about it, and there was a drawback. There were many people in the city Lord's mansion who joined in nishang Pavilion business, but this part of information is relatively hidden, which is hard for ordinary people to find, but it can't be denied that they all participated in it, and they agreed to such conditions at the beginning.

"Xiaoyao, I have to say that you are really a genius."

"I think it's your compliment to me." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

Yufeng's mouth slightly twitches: "Xiaoyao, in fact, you can not be so cheeky."

Ningmengyao gave Yufeng an eye knife: "brother in law, are you dissatisfied with me?"

"No." Yu Feng shakes his head firmly. Does he dare to say that he has? If this is true, Qiao Tianchang on the edge is not to say that Mei Ruolin can slap him twice and directly knock him out.

"That's about it."

Qiao Tianchang's eyes were full of laughter. According to Ning Mengyao's practice, either these people would help to make a noise or they would spit out twice as much as they made money.

I'm afraid some people didn't think of this, did they? But it doesn't matter much. As long as they say a few words, one force can't. If there are more forces, what can the Xiao family really do? He doesn't believe that the Xiao family really dare to do such a thing.

"I'd like to see if the Xiao family really wants to go on their own and come to our trouble." Ningmengyao's lips raised a cold smile, which made Yufeng shrink his neck. As expected, it was Xiaoyao's worst.

When the Xiao family started nishang Pavilion, all the families that had cooperated with nishang Pavilion knew about it.

There are many people who were reluctant to pay attention to the contract they agreed to, but they had to stand up and talk.

Everyone's meaning is also very obvious. It's your own family's business to deal with Xiaoyao villa, but one thing is that you can't move nishang Pavilion.