When the leader of the Xiao family heard the news, his face was very ugly. Nalanqing, the wife in charge of the Xiao family, could not help frowning. What is the ability of Xiaoyao villa to let so many people help them talk? Thinking of Nalan Qing, it's incredible.

"What do you think of it, madam?" Xiao came to nalanqing's room, looked at him and asked.

Their original plan was to deal with nishang Pavilion, and then force the people of Xiaoyao villa out. But they didn't expect that they had just started. Those who cooperated with nishang Pavilion had already spoken, and many of them were city leaders in each big city.

At the beginning, they investigated the great relationship between those families and nishang Pavilion, but they all thought that they were only interested in disputes and would not oppose them for a nishang Pavilion.

But they never thought that nishang pavilion would be so involved. Even the support of several big cities was pulled into their own camp by them.

If it's only a family or a city Lord in the city that warns the Xiao family, whether the Xiao family can be powerful or not, but so many of them, if he really doesn't care, then the person who offends the Xiao family will not be as simple as one or two, but will offend all of them once, which is not what he wants to see.

"I'm afraid it can't be done for the time being." Nanlanqing's Willow eyebrows are light and wrinkled, but also angry.

The wealth created by nishang Pavilion is not a force that is not jealous, and there are no clothes less than 5000 Liang in it. In their words, there must be high-quality goods in nishang Pavilion.

The reason why they started nishang Pavilion is not only to force the people from Xiaoyao villa, but also to take nishang Pavilion as their own. But now nishang Pavilion involves so many people, and all of them come out together to warn them that it is not feasible no matter what.

The head of the Xiao family was very reluctant, but he could only nod.

"Now that's the only way." To deal with nishang Pavilion, they need to think of another way, but they can't wait to deal with Xiaoyao villa.

"It seems that we can only find the trace of Xiaoyao villa as soon as possible, otherwise we have no chance to eat the fat meat in front of us." In front of nalanqing, the leader of the Xiao family did not hide his ambition, but said directly.

Nalanqing nodded: "what the master said is."

Ningmengyao looks at the news in her hand and nods with satisfaction. Well, it seems that they are all right. The Xiao family didn't do it, but it's also true. In this case, if the Xiao family wants to do it, they really have a bad brain.

"Then they will start to investigate Xiaoyao villa and find it." Ning Mengyao squinted and said meaningfully.

"Yao Yao, what do you think?"

Ningmengyao looks at her man with a smile, and he really knows himself best. In this way, she can easily guess what she is thinking.

"Tianchang, you really know me best."


Ningmengyao couldn't help laughing and leaned on Qiao Tianchang's arms and said: "lijuanxi has a great relationship with Nalan Ci, and Nalan Qing is his elder sister. As long as they have a little mind and use our portraits to find people, I don't think we will be against the Xiao family for a long time."

Li Juanshui has seen them. As long as there is a picture, it must be recognized by Li Juanshui. If the Xiao family can't find them here, he's afraid to doubt those people of the Xiao family.

"Xiaoyao, are you sure we can meet Xiao's family hard now?" Yu Feng looks at Ning Mengyao and asks.

"My brother-in-law is calm. Don't worry. Who said he would fight with them? It's not something a lady can do. " Ning Mengyao looks down at her palm and says with a smile.

Yufeng's mouth, lady? Is she sure she's talking about herself?

"Brother in law, what are your eyes? It's like I don't believe it very much. " Ningmengyao looks at Yufeng and dislikes it very much.