"What did I do?" Worry free still some don't understand, they all this is how, why all is such an expression, can't he be such a mind is wrong?

Ning Mengyao looks at Wu you in a daze. She has a sharp twitch on the corner of her mouth. She almost doesn't get a gush of old blood. What's the matter? Can this person's expression be more innocent? Look at that. If she doesn't know what kind of person Wuyou is, she will think it's intentional.

Yufeng has never seen ningmengyao's crazy appearance, which makes Yufeng laugh at last.

Worry free is more confused and innocent: "what are you laughing at?"

"Don't worry, what is your father-in-law and mother-in-law's expression when you say these words?" Yufeng expressed great curiosity.

"It's a strange look, and it's a bit awkward." I think about it without worry, I said earnestly.

Hearing this, Yufeng has to admit that this man is really a bit of a fool in the world.

"Don't worry, I think it's good that your father-in-law didn't hit you."

"Hit me? I'm for their good, what they beat me for. "

"Don't worry, what will you do if your son-in-law says this in front of you in the future in the presence of your children?" Looking at the idiot like carefree on the edge, I suddenly asked.

Worry free, he suddenly seemed to understand why the couple and their expressions were so strange, especially when they laughed like this.

"Then what, Qingshuang?" In fact, he really didn't want to ask about it after he knew the reason, but when he thought of those people in the blue family who didn't worry about it, he still insisted.

"Qingshuang and Nanyu are in the pharmacy. You can go to them." Ning Mengyao looks at an embarrassed and carefree face funny.

It seems that Wu you understands, but it's really interesting to see him like this.

In the joking eyes of several people, Wuyou escaped the same way, but Ning Mengyao and them burst out laughing. This kind of Wuyou, let alone, is really lovely. The 30-year-old people would do such things that make people laugh and cry.

"You say how tangled is LAN Pengsheng now?" Yu Feng felt his chin and asked in an unkind way.

“…… You can ask. " Ningmengyao did not have a good gas white Yufeng a look, the eyes with a clear dislike.

Knowing that the other side's mood is definitely not good, he also said such words. Isn't it not to sprinkle salt on others' wounds?

Yufeng's mouth slightly twitches, then shakes his sleeve and calmly opens, "I'd better go to see sheng'er and they practice martial arts." Said to get up and leave.

After Wu you took Qingshuang with him, his face was still a little unnatural. However, when Qingshuang arrived, he directly dragged the two of them away. However, it seemed that they were running away.

Back in the room, Lanting looked at Wuyou with puzzled eyes: "what's wrong with you brother Wuyou? How do I feel like you just ran away? "

"Yes? Why don't I feel that? " Carefree very calm said, that look really does not have a little embarrassed meaning.

"Yes." LAN Ting stood in front of Wu you and looked again, then nodded her head definitely.

Carefree eyelids slightly beat, looking at Lanting like that, couldn't help but reach out and rub her head melon seeds: "I said no, no, it's you who think more."

Although Lanting still has some doubts in her mind, she doesn't continue to talk about it when she sees the appearance of Wuyou.

Seeing that Lanting didn't continue to ask this question, Wu you is relieved at last. He is not sure if Lanting continues to ask such a question, he will directly block her mouth.

Up to the end of their visit to the doctor, no worry husband and wife appeared, which greatly relieved LAN and Wu. They were really afraid of what they said to make them crazy.

They will be more happy now if people are not there.

Lanxin had already left when she went to ask for the doctor without worry. She was also familiar with Xiaoyao villa. No one would take her and she would not get lost.