Molin was originally talking with Mo Laozi and black old man and strange old man. Suddenly, Lanxin was confused. How could she be here?

Lan Xin sees Maureen looking at her with doubts in her eyes and some discomfort in her heart, but the smile on her face still hasn't disappeared.

"Brother Mo, Grandpa black blame grandpa you are all here." Lanxin goes over to say hello to some elders. Because she doesn't know old Mo, she just makes a ritual at will.

Maureen nodded. There was no extra expression on his face, but it was just like this. The three old men on the edge made fun of him. Maureen didn't feel anything, but as a woman, Lanxin was a little embarrassed. Her cheeks were full of crimson color, which was really attractive.

Looking at this blue Xin, Maureen's eyes flickered a little, but soon turned around. When he first contacted with blue Xin, he thought that she was a very kind and gentle woman. He thought that if he couldn't find the one he really liked, he would find her, who made him feel at ease and didn't hate, to marry.

But after going through the blue family's group of children's affairs, such thoughts stopped.

He thought for a long time, but he still felt that Lanxin was not suitable for him.

Who is old Mo? How could she not see the little girl's look at her grandson, so she said with a smile: "we three old men just nag, you young people go to play."

As soon as Maureen's face was dark, was he so repugnant?

"Can you show me around, brother Mo?" When Maureen was about to speak, Lanxin looked at Maureen with a smile on her face, with a little embarrassment on her face. In that way, Maureen could not say even if she wanted to refuse.

"Let's go."

Looking at Maureen walking in front of her, Lanxin's face was full of shy smile. Originally, she thought that two people on the road could talk, but he didn't mean to talk to himself at all.

Lanxin's hand tightly grasps her clothes, and the expression on her face is embarrassed: "brother Mo, do you not like me?"


"Then why don't you pay any attention to me?" Blue Xin's face is a little lonely.

Maureen frowned a little, looked at Lanxin, with a doubt in his eyes: "when will I ignore you?"

"But..." Lanxin wants to refute, but she doesn't think that Maureen is so good. She immediately lowers her head and stops talking.

Lanxin's appearance made Molin more or less impatient.

Now he is really glad that his mind has stopped. If he is with Lanxin, maybe he will be suspected by Lanxin in the future, which is not what she wants.

Two people go forward in silence, originally very warm picture at this time is very awkward.

When they went to the garden, Lanxin felt a little astringent and uncomfortable. She was so close to Maureen now, but she felt that they were so far away.

"Brother Mo......"

"What is it?" Maureen turned to look at Lanxin. There was no superfluous emotion in her eyes. Instead, she looked impatient.

If Lanxin wants to export, she can't say it in a moment when she sees the expression of Maureen. From his eyes, Lanxin can feel that he doesn't like herself.

"No Nothing. "

Maureen frowned once and was very dissatisfied with Lanxin's attitude, especially her sobbing expression, which made him feel very uncomfortable as if he had bullied her.

Take a deep breath. At last, they didn't say anything serious. The silence between them was restored.

When he was about to leave the garden, Maureen suddenly saw a basket of green bamboo picking osmanthus in the garden.

Eyes slightly twinkled, toward the green bamboo walked past.

"What do you pick this bamboo for?" Standing beside the green bamboo, looking at the osmanthus in her basket, mollin asked curiously.

"It turned out that it was young master mo. the young lady wanted to eat osmanthus cake. Madam asked me to pick osmanthus."