Ningmengyao is not that kind of fool either. When they say that, they will naturally understand the reason for the change of Maureen's attitude.

"If that's all right."

"Now I hope Lanxin doesn't go to the top of her head. She thinks that it's because of the green bamboo that I refuse her." Maureen spread out his hands and said helplessly.

That helpless appearance, let the green bamboo on the edge, look at him with disdainful eyes.

"You take me as a shield, shouldn't you give me some money?" Green bamboo looks at Maureen coolly. This man is enough. He refuses others and even involves her.

Maureen choked on Qingshuang and looked at her helplessly: "if I remember correctly, it seems that Qingxue is a businessman, right?"

"So?" Green bamboo picks eyebrows.

"So you don't have to worry about it."

"That's not good. As the people around our young lady, if they suffer losses, they will be rejected." After nurturing around Ning Mengyao for such a long time, she also developed the habit of eating everything, that is, not losing money.

Mo Lin looks at Ning Mengyao with a sad look: "Mengyao, look at the people around you who have been taken bad by you."

"Is it I who brought the green bamboo to the bad?" Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang innocently, with a little grievance in her eyes, which makes Qiao Tianchang stare at Mo Lin.

"No, they are your servant girls. It's not normal if they don't."

Yufeng several people nodded, that natural appearance, let Mo Lin almost spit blood, can you chat well?

"You can't afford this, can you?" Green bamboo looks at Molin.

Maureen's brow is green. He wants to say, does he look like a man without money?

Mollin took a jade plate from his body and handed it directly to Qingzhu: "well, don't say that I owe you any more, but after receiving something, you have the obligation to help Lanxin not to focus on me, OK?"

"This business seems to be losing money." Green bamboo looks at Mo Lin seriously.

"Mengyao, how many business talents have you cultivated?" Maureen was very depressed looking at Ning Mengyao and said.

"Don't I think it's normal? After all, green bamboo has to take risks. Although it's said that your jade plate is very good, you don't want to think about how good your jade plate is. How good is it to have the life of green bamboo? " Ningmengyao didn't pay attention to the gnashing of Molin's teeth, but smiled at Molin and said.

Maureen's eyelids go crazy. He can tell all the black ones into white ones. It seems that only Ning Mengyao has this ability, right?

"I've got to get green bamboo to help me get rid of people. Can't I promise by example?" Mo Lin did not look at Ning Mengyao and said.

By example? Several people look at Maureen at the same time. They all have the same expression in your head, especially the green bamboo.

"I don't want to be hated." Said the green bamboo with a black face.

Qingxue looks at Maureen and then at Qingzhu. She nods constantly while watching. In that way, Qingzhu wants to beat her.

"Qingxue, what are your eyes?"

"I don't mean much, but I think you two are quite matched." Maureen said with a smile.

"Qingxue, what are you talking about?" Qingzhu frowns a little unhappy. It seems that Qingxue doesn't like to involve her with Molin very much.

Maureen shrugged and did not speak. He went to one side and sat down, but his eyes fell on the green bamboo.

Seeing Maureen's expression, Ning Mengyao's eyes narrowed slightly, then he looked at Qingzhu and said, "Qingzhu, please help him. When we save, we will be in trouble."

Green bamboo originally wanted to refute, but think about it carefully, as if it were the same thing: "I listen to miss."

Lanxin ran back all the way crying. At the beginning, she ran very slowly, thinking that maybe Maureen would come after her, but she ran out of the garden and didn't feel that someone was coming after her. She stopped to see it, even went back to find it, but she found that Maureen had already left.

This result makes Lanxin unable to accept, and finally she runs back crying.