LAN Pengsheng and Wu Shanshan saw their daughter running back in tears, and their eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. Wu Shanshan hurriedly walked over and patted Lan Xin on the shoulder: "what's the matter? What happened? "

"Mom, why did he do that to me? There is something wrong with me. He would rather like a servant girl than me. " Lan Xin pours into Wu Shanshan's arms and doesn't care about anyone. She immediately cries.

Wu Shanshan is a little surprised. Who does Lan Xin like in Xiaoyao villa?

"Xiner, who are you talking about?" For a long time, she didn't understand who Lan Xin was talking about.

"In time, Maureen, I told him I liked him, but he didn't like me. He liked others and was a servant girl." The more Lan Xin thinks about it, the more she feels aggrieved.

She used to think that Maureen also had feelings for her, but now she felt that she had no face. She said she liked it, but finally she was rejected, and for that reason.

"You silly girl, it's his right to be liked by others. You can't say that you like him, and he has to like you, right? The thing of affection is that you love what I want, rather than forcing you to understand? " Wu Shanshan also knows who Maureen is. If Maureen also likes her daughter, she doesn't mind having such a son-in-law, but Maureen doesn't seem to have such a mind for her daughter, so she naturally doesn't go back to do anything to force others.

She knows this. She doesn't want her daughter to regret later.

"But he can't like servant girls either." Lan Xin said unconvinced.

"Servant girl? Who are you talking about? "

"It's the green bamboo beside Ning Mengyao. I went out to play today. It was Maureen who showed me the way, but he ignored me all the way. Seeing the green bamboo, he took the initiative to talk to him. Later, he said that he liked the green bamboo." Lanxin feels aggrieved at the thought that Molin would rather like a servant girl than like her.

If the other side is a rich lady, or someone with status, she will not feel so uncomfortable. At least she is willing to take it with her heart, but she lost to a servant girl, which makes Lanxin feel angry no matter what she thinks.

Qingshuang, who was going to leave, stayed after hearing the name of Qingzhu, but she didn't expect to hear such strong news.

Coldly looking at the crying blue Xin, Qingshuang's eyes are cold. If she can really seem to directly do something to this woman, she can also save checking her ears.

Say green bamboo is servant girl? She knows that green bamboo is more like a big girl than she is. It's just that her character is a little lively, like a child.

She can say that blue Xin can be a green bamboo city, but blue Xin can't be a green bamboo city.

"Miss LAN, I'd like to ask you a question. What is it that you can't like a servant girl?" Qingshuang's face was very ugly. She looked at Lanxin coldly.

Hearing the voice of Qingshuang, they found that Qingshuang was still here, and Qingshuang and Qingzhu were sisters. Doesn't that mean they speak ill of others in front of others?

"Am I wrong? Green bamboo is not worthy of Molin at all. " Lan Xin looks at Qingshuang unconvinced.

"Ha ha doesn't deserve it? What you said can match, is it Qin, chess, calligraphy and painting? If it's this, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed, because green bamboo can do it. Not only can she do it, but also she has an unparalleled embroidery skill. She can also do martial arts. She can also make all kinds of delicious snacks and meals. She knows four books and five classics. I want to know what you mean when you don't deserve it? " Qingshuang looked at Lanxin coldly and said, "Oh, yes, I'll tell you directly. All the green bamboos you can and all the green bamboos you can't. If you say that the green bamboos don't match the Maureen, the one that doesn't match you is Lanxin."

Wu and his wife frowned at the same time, and were told their daughter in front of them, which was very bad.

"Miss Qingshuang, have you said too much?" LAN Pengsheng thought over the words and said with a frown.

"Over? Why didn't she see you talking when she was there to belittle green bamboo? Lan Xin, your so-called match is just that you polished your eyes a little bit when you gave birth and cast a good family. What can you do without LAN family? Green bamboo has no young lady to be a backer. She can live as well. That's the gap. "