Lanxin's face was said to be blue and white by Qingshuang. In a word, it was very ugly.

"Don't think that I'm a bad speaker, blue family leader. Respect is mutual. Because Maureen doesn't know how to respect others, how can others respect her? It's true that we are servant girls, but it's not up to others to tell us who we like. " After that, Qingshuang didn't care about the blue family's expression, and left with the medicine chest.

Blue life's face is not good-looking, the face is also blue for a while purple for a while, but finally all into helpless.

Qingshuang is right. Xin'er is wrong first. It's natural that people will retort.

Lanxin's face is very ugly, especially after being criticized by Qingshuang.

Wu Shanshan reached out and patted Lan Xin on the shoulder. Her eyes were full of heartache for her: "Xin'er, we can like someone, but we can't do irreparable things because we like someone. Do you understand?"

"But mom, I really like Maureen."

"I know that before Maureen gets married, you can like him and treat him well, but you can't lose your heart, and you can't be blinded by jealousy." Wu Shanshan looked at her daughter and said softly.

Lanxin felt uncomfortable, but finally nodded to show that she knew.

When Qingshuang came back to the yard with a gloomy face, he saw Molin talking to Qingzhu. Qingzhu's face was full of discontent and anger.

"Come here, Maureen. I have something to ask you." Qingshuang put the medicine box in Nanyu's hand and said in a cold voice.

Mo Lin blinks doubtfully. What's the situation? He doesn't seem to provoke Qingshuang, does he?

"What do you call me? I didn't seem to provoke you, did I? "

"Do you like green bamboo?" Qingshuang is not affectable either. She asked directly, without turning around the corner.

"Why don't you like green bamboo so well?" Maureen said casually.

For this answer, Qingshuang was very dissatisfied, and the green bamboo on the edge understood that she hurriedly went to Qingshuang's side, reached out and grabbed her arm and dragged the person to white.

"Qingshuang, you misunderstood me. I have nothing to do with Maureen."

"Nothing? What did Lan Xin say in front of them that Maureen would rather like your servant girl than him Qingshuang asked unhappily, and gave Maureen a look.

Maureen's face immediately turned ugly. He thought he had made it clear to Lanxin, but he didn't expect Lanxin to run to others and say something bad about Qingzhu.

"It's not what you think. Molin and Lanxin were walking in the garden. They happened to meet. Molin said something to me. May Lanxin have misunderstood?" Green bamboo very helpless said.

Between her and Maureen, it's clear that she can't be pure any more. Why is it that in the eyes of others, it has become heinous, which makes her very incomprehensible.

"It's really just like this?"

"Really, we said three or four words." Green bamboo quickly nods.

Qingshuang believed it, but she turned her head to look at Maureen and gave him an eye knife.

"What do you want to do? With Lanxin, you still talk to Qingzhu. What's your heart? " Qingshuang looks like an old hen protecting her chicks. It's really against the rules.

"I really didn't have a purpose, just a few words." Maureen has a headache. Does he have an unbelievable face? As for this kind of nose is not nose, is not face looking at him?

Qingshuang snorted and looked at Maureen coolly: "it's better."

After Qingshuang stopped, Ning Mengyao helplessly looked at Mo Lin: "Qingshuang is like this. Among them, Qingzhu is the smallest. All her thoughts are put on embroidery. She really doesn't understand these things, so it's understandable that she protects Qingzhu like this."