Maureen looks at Lanxin and laughs at her saying.

"And do I involve others in order to refuse? What's more, you are always saying what I like about Qingzhu. Do you like her when I say two words to Qingzhu? " Maureen looked at Lanxin and smiled sarcastically.

This woman is really strange. I don't like her. It seems that it's just my own problem, right? Why does this person so like to involve things in others?

Moreover, if two words are like words, isn't he even like Ning Mengyao and Mei Ruolin?

"Maureen, you're going too far." Even if Lanxin is cheeky to stay here, but she is so belittled by Maureen, she is very uncomfortable, especially when she sees that Maureen's face doesn't matter.

Hands tightly clenched into fists. Lanxin looked at Maureen for a long time, and finally lowered her head and stopped talking. Instead, she looked weak and bullied.

Looking at Lanxin like this, Molin was not happy. Even old Mo, who had some good feelings for Lanxin, frowned. He valued the little girl because of her good character. But now he found that such a good character was not suitable for his grandson.

"Lan Xin, you've been with me for some time. Go and see your parents." Don Mo looked at Lanxin with a smile and said.

There was no impatience in that way, as if all this was for Lan Xin's good.

Lan Xin watched old man Mo do this to her at this time, and she was still in front of Maureen, so she went off for the order, and her face, which was not very good-looking, became even paler.

"Grandpa Mo, it doesn't matter to me." Lanxin smiled sadly, but the sad expression on her face never disappeared.

"Even so, I'm not good enough to rob people from your parents. Are you right?" Old man Mo looked at Lanxin with a smile. There was no impatience on his face, but what he said made all the thoughts in Lanxin's heart disappear.

She spent so much time trying to please the old man, but in the end, it didn't have any effect, not only no effect, it seemed that she had to be despised by others, a feeling that Lanxin had never experienced before.

With a pale face, Lanxin nodded, then turned around and left. She knew that if she could stay at this time, she would undoubtedly be beating her own face, which was not what she wanted to see.

Now think about it carefully. It seems that she was a bit inappropriate just now. Her eyes flickered slightly. Lanxin's eyes flashed the necessary light. No matter what, she must become mollin's wife, no matter how much it cost her.

Lanxin's mind is not in other people's mind, she just works according to her own way.

After leaving Molin and them, Lanxin did not go back directly, but went to find Qingzhu.

Looking at green bamboo sitting alone in the yard sewing clothes, although it's just simple embroidery, but it fell into blue Xin's eyes but was greatly shocked.

Maybe she knows that the green bamboo embroidery skill in Mo Linkou is unparalleled in the world. Such embroidery work Just seeing her moving hands and embroidery patterns on the cloth, Lanxin knew that the talent of green bamboo in this field was really scary, and it was still scary.

"Yes?" People have been looking at this, even in how seriously to do the next thing, green bamboo can return to God.

Lanxin is a spirited man, awakened by the green bamboo.

There was a flash of chagrin at the bottom of her eyes, and her brow was also tightly wrinkled. She even looked at her rival's eyes, which was not a good phenomenon.

"Miss LAN doesn't know what's the matter with you?" Seeing that Lanxin didn't answer, Qingzhu frowned tightly and asked again.

"Qingzhu, what do you think of brother Mo?" Lanxin sits down opposite to Qingzhu, looks at Qingzhu with a gentle smile and asks.

Qingzhu is puzzled by Lanxin's question. She would like to say, what does mollin have to do with her? Just see blue Xin this appearance, in the heart suddenly had the idea.