Since she took someone else's things, she naturally also wanted to help do something, so that Qingzhu smiled at Lanxin, blinked, and said innocently: "you said that Maureen is very good, what's the matter? Don't you know Miss LAN? Why do you want to ask me? "

Blue bamboo's confused eyes turned into a challenge to Lanxin's eyes, which made Lanxin frown slightly.

"Qingzhu, are you just a dog in ningmengyao's family? It's just a servant girl. What qualification do you have to go to Xiao like Maureen? " Lan Xin, who was going to talk to Qingzhu well, couldn't hold her breath after hearing her boastful tone. She directly looked at Qingzhu and asked.

Qingzhu's eyes flickered slightly, and Lanxin's eyes were very indifferent: "Oh? A dog? As a young lady, you are not even inferior to me when you say such things and even run after others. "

Molin said in front of Lanxin that he likes her and doesn't like Lanxin. Doesn't that mean that Lanxin is inferior to Qingzhu?

The most annoying thing for Lanxin these days is that compared with other people, she is comparable to Qingzhu, especially at this time.

Looking at the green bamboo, Lanxin's eyes flashed a vicious flash, and her eyes fell on the green bamboo's hands. Is that why Molin saw her? If so, she'll destroy the hands.

Qingzhu is very uncomfortable with Lanxin's eyes. He takes back his hand without moving his face. Qingzhu looks at Lanxin with a smile: "I don't know what's wrong with Miss LAN. If I'm ok, I'll be busy, and I won't entertain you."

Qingzhu's words are quite natural, as if she is the master of the family. The tone and expression make Lanxin's resentment more obvious.

Just because she is a little bit lucky, I met the two of ningmengyao's husband and wife. So what is she proud of today?

But just thinking about it, Lanxin thought of what Maureen said. He said that he left the Xiaoyao villa, and green bamboo can mix with others, but she can't. is that what she relies on?

Looking at the clothes that are about to be finished, there are still some unfinished embroidery on the front, but this doesn't prevent Lanxin from seeing that it's a man's dress, and it's also an adult man's dress.

The first thought is that Lanxin thought that the clothes were made by green bamboo and given to Molin. Looking at the exquisite embroidery work, Lanxin was going mad with envy.

No matter who is, in the face of their love, are unreasonable, even if this person was a gentle and kind woman.

"Qingzhu, you are shameless. Since you want a man, you can find a servant to marry. Why do you want to come here and be robbed? You are really beyond your control, which I don't like very much. " Blue Xin whispered.

At the beginning, she was under Li Juanxi's hands. She didn't know how many bad words she had heard. Now she can say them, but she is just learning now and selling now.

Qingzhu's face darkened. How could she have thought this girl was very nice?

But looking at the ugly face in front of me, the face of green bamboo is full of ironic smile.

"It's really deep. Do you know your parents like you?" Qingzhu looks at Lanxin sarcastically, and the sarcastic smile on her face stabs her eyes.

No matter where she is now, or who is the person in front of her, Lanxin walks over and slaps Qingzhu in the face.

"Shut up, you bitch." Lan Xin screamed and said.

Qingzhu is blindfolded by this sudden slap. She didn't expect that Lanxin would attack her directly.

Reach out and touch some tingling cheek, want to be green frost they see themselves to be counted down again.

"Who is inferior to you? Lan Xin, what do you think you are? Maureen doesn't like you. Why do you have to fight here? It will only make him more disgusted with you. "