Lan Xin, who was lying on the ground and covering her chest, heard Maureen's words, and everyone was stupid.

Originally, when she did these things and was seen by Maureen, she was afraid. She thought about what Maureen would say to her. She would say that he was disappointed with her and that he would say something else. But she didn't expect that Maureen didn't even look at her, so she was there to appease Qingzhu. The intimacy hurt blue Xin's eyes.

But none of this is as striking as what Maureen said.

What does he mean by that? What do you mean call back directly? The man she liked even let other women beat her. This result made Lanxin feel very ironic and ridiculous.

She thought about her life after she was with Maureen many times. She thought that she would be loved and protected like Lanting, but she never thought that she would be so spoiled by people she liked.

"Maureen, you may not like me, but why do you do this to me?" Kiss me in front of her face with other women. That's OK. He was so cruel to let this woman fight her. Did he ever think about her feelings?

If Molin knew Lanxin's mind, he would scorn. This woman is really naive. He has been beaten by others. How could he think about her feelings.

"Lanxin's here is Xiaoyao villa. It's not your blue family, nor the place where you can be free and unrestrained. It's OK to fight with green bamboo, but you still want to kill people." Maureen looks at Lanxin coldly. Your eyes are like poisonous needles. Lanxin is in pain.

"Ha ha, Molin, you are still protecting that bitch. It's just a cheap maid. How can Mengyao treat me?" Lan Xin said, not caring at all.

In Lanxin's eyes, she is the eldest miss of the blue family, and ningmengyao and the blue family have cooperation. Even if she has done it to the green bamboo, how about ningmengyao and her servant girls?

In Lanxin's eyes, ningmengyao's Xiaoyao Mountain Resort relies on the cooperation with the blue family. It never occurred to Lanxin that it is not ningmengyao's Xiaoyao mountain resort that needs to be relied on, but their blue family.

If the blue family had not been pulled by Ning Mengyao at that time, no one could be sure what it would look like now.

Looking at Lanxin's self righteous appearance, Maureen couldn't help sneering.

If LAN Pengsheng knew that his most proud daughter was after a few children in Lancheng, and he was stabbing him in the Xiaoyao villa, he didn't know what he would think.

"Ha ha, right? Green bamboo, do you want to bypass this woman now? " Did not continue to pay attention to proud to have no friends of Lanxin, Molin turned to look at the green bamboo, the corners of his mouth raised a smile like expression.

Green bamboo looks at Mo Lin in silence, frowns slightly, seems to be thinking about it, then looks at Mo Lin and says seriously, "maybe you are right."

"So what are you waiting for?" Mo Lin looks at the green bamboo with a slight eyebrow.

Qingzhu takes a deep breath, goes to Lanxin's face, squats down and looks at Lanxin, whose eyes are full of jealousy and malice. This kind of eyes destroys her face, which is not what it was when she met for the first time.

Qingzhu slaps Lanxin in the face with a heavy slap: "I will only slap you. We are clear, but you really don't like this kind of slap."

The strength of Qingzhu is much bigger than that of Lanxin, the spoiled young lady. Now she is beaten by Qingzhu. Lanxin's face swells up quickly. The tingling touch reminds Lanxin that she is really beaten by others, and she is still beaten by her humble maid.

"Qingzhu, you dare to beat me. I'd like to ask ningmengyao, is that how you treat people in Xiaoyao villa?" Said Lan Xin, gnashing her teeth.

Maureen almost knelt down for Lanxin. I'm afraid that only people like Lanxin can say such shameless words?