"Ha ha, the way to treat people? Have you ever been a guest? At the master's house, do it to his servants. " Molin looks at Lanxin mockingly, and then looks at Lanxin. He coldly transmits his internal power to ningmengyao and Wuyou.

Ning Mengyao is talking to Qiao Tianchang about the school work of the third primary school and about the Xiao family and Nalan family. All of a sudden, he hears that both of them are confused, but he puts down the things in his hands and goes out.

Being accompanied by LAN Ting, Wu You hears Mo Lin's voice, and her face changes greatly. LAN Ting beside her is confused. Even the talking LAN Liangsheng and her husband and wife look at Wu you with puzzled eyes.

"What happened to Wu you?"

"Lanxin ran to Mengyao's yard and beat the green bamboo, the maid next to her." Said Wu you with a strange look.

Is love really so terrible? Can make a gentle woman like water become like that.

The couple of LAN Liangsheng are also a little silly. They look at Wu you in dismay, and some of them don't believe it and say, "is there any misunderstanding about Wu you?"

"Did you misunderstand us? Now Mengyao should know about it." No worries but to say.

How can there be so many things in the blue family? It seemed to be a good family at first. How could it suddenly become like this? Before that, I beat sugar and sugar with small hands, and now I beat the people around Ning Mengyao with big hands. No matter how I think about it, you feel very strange.

LAN Liangsheng and his wife had no choice but to look at each other and went to ningmengyao's yard with Wu you.

Ningmengyao didn't believe that Lanxin would do it in her own place, but she had to believe it when she saw the slap print on the bamboo face.

Frowning at the blue fragrance on the ground, Ning Mengyao's heart is full of disappointment.

In the past, Lanting was arrogant and domineering, but now it has completely changed. Now Lanting is very good. But why did the gentle and kind Lanting look like this again? Or is she such a person in her bones, just too disguised, even they did not find it?

Ningmengyao's eyes fell on Lanxin. Suddenly she saw that her eyes were full of jealousy and looked in a certain direction. She looked at the place. Ningmengyao found that it was the place where she thought of Molin and Qingzhu.

At this time, Mo Lin is taking the medicine given by Qingshuang and daubing it gently on the face of Qingzhu.

That gentle look is really like that, but

His eyes fell on Maureen. Was it because of him or because he wanted to do it? All of a sudden, Ning Mengyao didn't know what Maureen was thinking.

"Women's jealousy is really terrible." Ningmengyao sighed helplessly, and looked at Lanxin very complicated.

"The people of Xiaoyao villa are just like this. They let their servant girls do something to the guests." Hearing ningmengyao's words, Lanxin felt as if she had been stimulated, she said, biting her teeth.

What's backhoe? This is, it's clear that Lanxin did it first, but when she got there, it turned out to be the responsibility of all the people in Xiaoyao villa.

"Ha ha." Ningmengyao is not angry but laughs, which makes Lanxin have such a trace of fear.

"You What are you laughing at? "

"What are you laughing at? Of course, I laugh at your ignorance. Where is my Xiaoyao villa? We will not be polite to those who make trouble in our territory. Lan Xin, please don't tell me. These are all the hands of green bamboo. As far as I know, green bamboo hasn't left this yard for a whole day. " Ningmengyao looks at Lanxin coldly, and that cold look, like a wolf on the prairie, makes Lanxin shiver.

Lanxin's face is a little pale. Yes, today's business is totally up to her. Because of her jealousy, she came here to directly fight against the green bamboo.

Her original intention is to let green bamboo have a little self-knowledge. Don't pester Maureen any more, but she didn't expect to develop to this point in the end.

"Xiner, what's the matter with you?" LAN Liangsheng naturally heard Ning Mengyao's words. He couldn't believe looking at his daughter. Her daughter is gentle and kind. Why is it like this now?

"Dad, I didn't mean to. I just wanted to let green bamboo leave Molin."