Wu Shanshan looks at Lanxin like this, and her eyes are full of disbelief. Is this her daughter? Why is it like this.

LAN Pengsheng is also shocked by Lan Xin's words. He looks at Lan Xin with the same expression as Wu Shanshan.

"How can you say that, xiner? How can you be so cruel when someone else's green bamboo doesn't provoke you? " LAN Bangsheng glared at Lan Xin and said angrily.

"She's just a cheap maid. Why can she be liked by Maureen? Why... "

"Pa" a heavy applause interrupted Lan Xin's words, Wu Shanshan's hand, has not put down, her body can not help shivering.

"How can you say such a thing? If there is a man who likes you, but you don't like him, or even hate him, will you compromise and marry him under the threat of him? " Wu Shanshan holds on to her body and looks at Lan Xin, who is totally out of shape, being slapped by her.

"How could it be? I don't like people." Ignoring the pain on her cheek, Lanxin countered subconsciously when she heard Wu Shanshan's words.

"Look, you say it's impossible. Why do you ask others like this? You like Maureen. If Maureen likes you, we all support this relationship. But the problem is that Maureen doesn't like you. Because you like it, you have to get it. Because you like it, you have to hurt others? " Wu looked at her daughter, her eyes full of anger and disappointment.

Lanxin looks at wushanshan in a daze. These days, she looks at the relationship between Lanting and Wuyou. She also wants such a relationship and life.

And she also has a very good feeling for Maureen. She wants to be with Maureen, but when she sees that Maureen doesn't like her or even wants to talk to her, he has a very good attitude towards Qingzhu.

Such a gap made her have some resentment in her heart. She thought that the reason why Maureen was so right to her was because of green bamboo's fault, so she did something that was unacceptable.

Before that, she even wanted the life of green bamboo, but when she heard Wu Shanshan's scolding, her heart suddenly became dazed and her eyes were full of confusion.

Is she really wrong?

"My mother I don't know. " Lan Xin's eyes are confused. They don't see it clearly.

"Xiner, tell me how do you feel when Molin is very good to green bamboo?" With a sigh, Wu Shanshan went to Lanxin and asked.

"Very angry." Lan Xin replied if she didn't want to.

"Except for anger?"

"No" Lanxin thought about it and shook her head.

Wu Shanshan looks at Lanxin's eyes as if she wants to see something from her eyes, but her eyes are blank and confused. It seems that she doesn't understand the reason why she asked.

"You..." Wu Shanshan looks at Lanxin in tears and smiles. She doesn't know what to say about her state.

On the edge of the blue life is also a slight twitch of the corner of the eye, make a long time, make such a big thing, the original blue Xin does not know what is the feelings?

"Xiner, in fact, you don't like Maureen at all." Wu Shanshan's explanation of crying and laughing, although she didn't want to attack her daughter, but in order not to continue such a situation, Wu decided to make things clear.

"Not like it? What is that? " Lan Xin looks at Wu Shanshan in a daze. She really doesn't understand. It's not like and what it is.

"At best, you are just admiring. When you see that Maureen ignores you, he is very good at green bamboo. You will be angry, but you won't feel sour and uncomfortable. You don't have all the good feelings about seeing people you like to others. At best, you just think that green bamboo takes away the attention of Maureen to you, just like children are robbed of toys." Wu Shanshan's soft voice explains for Lan Xin.

"It won't be."

"Why not? Ting'er, if you see carefree is good to a woman in all ways, and it's cold to you, what's your mood? "