Seeing this, Wu Shanshan doesn't understand Lanxin, so she puts her eyes on Lanting.

LAN Ting is much better than Lan Xin in this respect.

"I feel despair, I feel sad, I feel pain." LAN Ting thought about it and said.

"Not angry?" Lan Xin asked subconsciously.

However, Lanting shook her head gently: "no, because I love brother Wuyou, so no matter what happens, I will not be angry with him, and I will believe him."

Although think about will feel uncomfortable, but Lanting knows that this is their own idea.

"Ting'er is right. The most important thing between lovers is trust. Although there are so many little frictions in life, they won't make a real impact. So Xin'er, you don't like Maureen. It's just because he is excellent that you are attracted." Before Lanxin came into the Xiaoyao villa, she didn't contact many men, especially the excellent unmarried men like Molin.

And Lanting's sweet life now makes Lanxin have a fantasy in her heart, and she also wants such a life, so that in the end she goes to extremes.

Is it true that Lan Xin looks at Wu Shanshan in a daze?

Carefree looked at a pig's head face, eyes full of blank blue Xin, mouth corners suspicious twitch several times.

Although it's very nice to hear his wife express his feelings to him just now, seeing Lanxin's ignorant appearance, he suddenly felt kind-hearted.

"Mother, I don't understand."

Wu Shanshan almost fell to the ground, she said so understand, this has not understood?

"Xiner, you..."

"But I see what you mean. I'm in trouble with Maureen and green bamboo. It's all my fault." Although she still doesn't understand Wu Shanshan's statement about feelings, Lanxin knows that her previous actions have caused Molin and Qingzhu's troubles. Thinking about her actions these days, Lanxin seems to be like another life.

Seeing that her daughter has finally changed back, Wu Shanshan is relieved at last.

"You know."

"But Niang, I want to know what it's like to like someone?" Lan Xin looks at Wu Shanshan and suddenly asks, which chokes her again.

Wu Shanshan really wants to faint at this time.

"You'll know that when you really like someone." Wu said perfunctorily.


Blue Xin's attitude is to break the casserole. Wu Shanshan hurriedly looks at the worry free side and says seriously, "you can ask ting'er and worry free."

The couple who were going to the theatre suddenly found out that the evil water was coming to them. They felt speechless for a moment. Is this their mother?


"By the way, sister, you've done such a thing these days, and you started to fight green bamboo again today. Shouldn't you apologize to them?" LAN Ting doesn't want to answer Lan Xin's question either. She quickly opens her mouth and says that she doesn't forget to look at Wu you and ask him to help.

"Yes, Lanxin, it's really your fault. You should apologize." My daughter-in-law has a life, so it's natural that she can't stay away from the theatre.

Lan Xin is a little embarrassed. Think about it carefully. She's really overdone these days.

"I see. I'll find them." Then he left.

After Lanxin left, Lanting wanted to cry and look at Wu Shanshan with the same stiff expression: "Mom, I didn't find that my sister was so simple."

Wushanshan can't speak because she is choking. In fact, she doesn't know.

Lanxin has always been outstanding in her performance. No matter what she studies or what she does, who would have thought that she was so white in her emotion.

Lan Xin comes to Ning Mengyao's yard. Ning Mengyao and his party are watching a few small Cuju games in the yard. When they see her go, their faces change, and they are very ugly.

"What are you doing here?" Qingshuang looks at Lanxin and asks angrily.

If it wasn't for the young lady, she would make Lanxin speechless.

Blue Xin's face with a little bit of embarrassment, looking at one side of the Maureen and green bamboo, some embarrassed said: "I come to apologize."