Ning Mengyao sighed and looked at Li Juan Rong with a reproachful look: "I said you have already left LAN Ting alone. Now, don't you think it's disgraceful to say that?"

"Shut up. If it wasn't for you, how could I have come to this?" In Li's heart, everything she has today is given by Ning Mengyao. It's all Ning Mengyao's fault.

Ningmengyao chuckled, and then her face changed: "is this delay to call those people?"

Li Juan Rong suddenly heard ningmengyao say that, suddenly her face changed, and her eyes were cold, then she smiled: "you found it? But what about that? He has arrived

Yufeng and others, with a faint smile on the corners of their mouths, are very disdainful of Li Juanxi's words.

"Since all the guests outside have come, let's come in. I don't know how bad the blue family's hospitality is." The voice of internal power contained in Yufeng spread out from all directions. Li Juan Rong was covered by the voice subconsciously, and her face was also very ugly and extremely pale.

In addition to Li juanjiang, there are two wives who are in the same situation. This voice is a disaster for them.

Nalan Qing eyebrows slightly wrinkled, even with the veil, also let people feel that she is in a very unhappy mood.

After learning that the blue family has something to do with the Xiaoyao villa from Li juanxing, she rushed to get the answer directly. But she didn't expect to kill a Cheng Yaojin halfway. Moreover, the women of the blue family, each of them, are weird. They don't know what the Xiaoyao villa is, let alone where it is.

So after receiving no news from Li Juan, but LAN Liangsheng and them are back, she comes with people.

The reason why she can be so unbridled is that she knows that blue family has nothing to make her dangerous.

But the voice that just came from inside threatened Nalan Qing. The martial arts of the voice's owner were very powerful.

"Madam, I'm an expert. My martial arts are as good as mine. I don't know how many other people there are." The man on the edge frowned and said with great concern.

"I know. Let's go. Go in and have a look." Since people have already opened their mouths, and they haven't entered yet, it seems that they can't speak.

Nalanqing takes people in. As soon as he goes in, he sees ningmengyao and others. Nalanqing's eyes are on ningmengyao. The eyes of inquiry make ningmengyao very unhappy.

"You are the so-called Ning Mengyao?" Nalanqing's eyes narrowed slightly and looked at ningmengyao coldly, which was like looking at ants.

Ningmengyao is not angry, not angry at all. She has never met such a person. The more arrogant she is now, the more miserable she will fall.

"You are the legendary lady of the Xiao family, but that's not the way it looks." Ningmengyao single hand ring chest, a hand holding chin, up and down looking at the face covered with a white gauze nalanqing.

"What Xiaoyao said is that the lady of Xiao family is as ugly as the former Blue Lady, so she has no face to see people?" Yufeng looks at nalanqing with a smile, which is exactly the veil she wears on her face.

"Shut up, do you know who this is? Is sister Nalan something you can abuse? " Nalanqing hasn't spoken yet. Li juanxing beside has already spoken out.

"When did the eldest miss of the Li family become the dog around others?" Ning Mengyao glanced at Li Juan and said casually.

Li juanxiang's face changed, just to say what, basic Na Lanqing a look to stop.

"It's true that he's a genius in business, and that's what he says." Nalan Qing's words are not sure whether they are praising or satirizing.

Ningmengyao's lips are slightly hooked, and she looks at nalanqing with a smile: "should I say thank you for your praise?"