Nalanqing has not seen such a person who can climb up the pole. She glanced at ningmengyao coldly: "you are also the blood of Xiao family. If you can follow my wife, I don't mind if you can have a place in Xiao family."

Ning Mengyao couldn't help laughing, then turned to look at Yu Feng. "Does my brother-in-law look like someone who says I'm an idiot?"

Hehe, with her? I want to change the owner of my Xiaoyao villa in a few words. I have a big appetite, so I'm not afraid to die?

There is a row of black lines on Yufeng's forehead. If all the Yao's children are idiots, there will be no intelligent people under that day.

"Some people in Yaoyao have a big appetite and want to take a bite of everything. Then we can let her vomit more." Qiao Tianchang takes a look at Nalan Qing and opens his mouth lightly.

Ningmengyao smiled and nodded, very satisfied and said: "I like this. If I want to get anything from my hands, I have to be prepared to spit it out twice, especially some people who want to take advantage of it." Ning Mengyao said lightly.

Nalanqing looked at the couple as if they were alone, slightly hooked at the corners of their mouths, not angry at these words, but more gentle eyes.

"In this west coast, it's not like a small place like yours. There are many super giants on the west coast. The place like Xiaoyao mountain villa is not more convenient than others. As long as you can follow me, the Nalan family and Xiao family can give you convenience. Here Isn't it good? " Nalanqing seems to be determined to get it for Xiaoyao villa.

Hearing her words, the expression on Ning Mengyao's face is more subtle: "ha ha, give me convenience? When we don't have anything, we can develop Xiaoyao villa to this point. Now, even if we don't have you, what can we do? "

"If you want to be based on nishang Pavilion on this continent, you can try it." Nalan Qing seems to be very patient, although Ning Mengyao has so clearly refused, she continued.

"Haven't I got a foothold here by nishang pavilion? Besides, don't you Xiao's move nishang pavilion? You think you can make nishang Pavilion disappear from front of you. Then you can try it. We will wait. " Ningmengyao came to nalanqing's face, a pair of peach blossom eyes looked at nalanqing with a smile. They said it casually, as if they didn't care about it very much.

Nalan Qing's face is not good-looking for a moment. How come they didn't want to deal with nishang pavilion? But there are so many forces involved in nishang Pavilion now, and once nishang Pavilion is attacked by them, the city leaders of each city will directly stand up and forbid them to do so. Even if they go down to find people privately, there is no way to get the desired result, which surprised nalanqing.

How did they do it? It's amazing to be able to get people to help them like this.

"You seem too arrogant."

"Arrogant? How can I compare with your Xiao's wife when I am a little arrogant? Didn't that son of yours tell you that my wife and Xiao's family are enemies? And it's a feud. " Ning Mengyao whispered to nalanqing's ear.

That voice, that words, let Nalan Qing's face is a change.

"Know what we're here for?" Do not give nalanqing a chance to talk, Ning Mengyao looks at her and suddenly asks.


"We've come here to take revenge, to take revenge."

Nalan Qing has always wanted to get the power of Xiaoyao mountain villa. As long as she got the power of Xiaoyao mountain villa, it means nishang pavilion has already got it. Such power is a great help to Nalan family, but now it seems that ningmengyao can't do that.

"In that case, we just can't make sense. Since we can't make sense, my wife doesn't mind doing it." Nalan Qing's eyes are cold, and the eyes of Ning Mengyao are full of fierce color.