Nangong Yan looks at Ning Mengyao like that. She knows that what she said is true. She really hates herself, and she can't.

"Yao Er......"

"Don't call me that. I'll feel terrible." Ning Mengyao looks at Nangong Yan lightly and says at will.

"Nangong Yan, what are you doing? Kill people quickly. " Nalan Qing looks at Nangong Yan, who is out of that state. She looks at Nangong Yan and roars.

Nangong Yan didn't open his mouth and didn't start. Now, even if he moves a little, his body will suffer from pain. How can he treat the two of them?

"It's not a good result to be distracted at this time." Worry free blocked nalanqing, with a bloodthirsty smile on the corner of his mouth.

Nalan Qing's heart was filled with hatred. How could they be so powerful? It's definitely from a place like that, isn't it?

"Nangong Yan, I ordered you to kill people. Do you hear me?"

"How did you hear that? I'm not their match now. Why don't you do it yourself? " Nangong Yan takes a look at Nalan Qing and says in a cold voice.

If it's not for the wrong occasion, Ning Mengyao thinks she will laugh directly. Nangong Yan's words are also very interesting.

Nalan Qing has never seen Nangong Yan talk to him in such an attitude since he put Nangong Yan into his hands. His face is not good-looking.

"Nangong Yan, you want to die."

"Whatever you want."

They may not understand Ning Mengyao's words, but Nalan Qing understands them. Nangong Yan means to say that she does whatever she wants, whether she wants to kill him or not, it doesn't matter. Such an attitude makes Nalan Qing hate. This damned Nangong Yan.

"Nangong Yan, do you really think I dare not do anything to you?"

Ning Mengyao looks like two people pinched up, with a sarcastic smile on the corner of her mouth.

"You seem to have forgotten what's going on now. Can you fight after you have finished fighting?" Ning Mengyao interrupts the eyes between the two people, and says directly.


Li juanxiang doesn't understand what's going on. She looks at nanlanqing, who has never been in such a mess before. She has some strange things in her heart. The only idea in her mind is that this fairy like woman will be in such a mess.

Such an idea haunts Li's mind.

"Sister Nalan, are you ok?" Li Juan Rong looks at nanlanqing and asks, all of which are worried about nanlanqing. However, the latter doesn't appreciate her at all, but looks at her coldly.

"Waste, this little thing can't be done well. What else can I do for you?" The reason why she would let Nalan CI continue to have contact with Li Juanxi is that she wanted to use Li Juanxi to do things, but Li's performance made her very dissatisfied.

It's a shame that people who are clearly under their noses even let people run away. Even if they run away, they end up in such a situation.

Li Juan Rong's face was a little white when she was scolded by Nalan Qing. Although such a thing did not happen, she had not been scolded in front of so many people before. This time, Li Juan Rong was very uncomfortable.

Nalan Qing looks at the people on her side and frowns tightly. If she goes on like this, I'm afraid she will not only fail to get the result she wants, but all her people will be damaged here.

"Ning Mengyao, do you really want to go back to the Xiao family with me?"

"Ha ha, will the Xiao family? I didn't think about that. Didn't I tell you? I have a feud with the Xiao family, especially with your son. You should take good care of your son. When will the province disappear, you will be sad. Are you right? " Ning Mengyao laughed viciously.

She can also guess some of Nalan Qing's ideas. She just wanted to leave more chips for her son? It's just that she's sure it won't kill her son, right?

"Dare you..."

"I can make you look like this. What else do you think I dare not to do?"

Even just now, Nalan Qing still had hope in her heart. She thought that this girl was just saying something casually, but at this moment she really believed that Ning Mengyao and Xiao family had a real feud,