But at the same time of disappointment, she was relieved, because since Ning Mengyao refused her, she would not go back to the Xiao family. As long as she did not go back to the Xiao family, she would not have any impact on her son. As for what she said about wanting her son's life, it was up to her to see if she had that ability.

"I have remembered your hospitality today, and I will return it all in the future." Said Yungong left, and one side of Nangong Yan was also taken away by her last two dark guards.

"Sister Naran." When Li Juan sees Nalan Qing leaving, she doesn't even look at herself. Her heart is slightly cold. She can't even believe that this is what Nalan Qing will do.

She helped her so much, but at last she got the fate that was abandoned. She was not reconciled.

Ning Mengyao looked at Li Juansheng, who was very dispirited and unwilling, and his mouth slightly hooked up: "Miss Li, you seem to have been abandoned by your owner. How pitiful you are." Ning Mengyao looks at Li Juan's smiling opening.

Li Juan Rong can't hear what Ning Mengyao is talking about now. Looking at her like this, Ning Mengyao's eyes are full of disgust: "take people back first, I'm sure it can be of some use."

Li Juanxi was taken away, and the second lady was full of fear. She just stabbed a knife in the back of these people. Can she live? The second lady didn't even dare to see the expression of LAN Zhuosheng.

From his attitude towards himself just now, if there were no one on the side, she would be strangled directly if she could not point out the trouble.

Now that people are gone, things are over for the time being. With her understanding of LAN Pengsheng, LAN Pengsheng will definitely start with her. What should she do.

Li juanxiang's face has turned white. Her eyes are full of fear and fear of blue life. Why did things become like this?

That lady Xiao's, shouldn't it be very powerful? And Li Juanshui. Why are these people so vulnerable when they come? It seems that they have been suppressed just after others started?

This kind of result makes two madams some cannot accept.

"Uncle LAN, you'd better deal with your family affairs by yourself. Let's go first." Ningmengyao is not interested in staying to see lanpengsheng deal with these things. To some extent, lanpengsheng is actually a slag man.


After seeing off Ning Mengyao and others with a smile on his face, LAN Liangsheng's face immediately darkened. Seeing the expression of the second lady, he wished to kill her directly.

"Master, I I know it's wrong, you Will you spare me this time? "

"My blue family can't afford to eat inside and outside. What can I do, Shan Shan?" LAN Liangsheng turns to look at Wu Shanshan. He still doesn't understand these things.

Wu Shanshan's eyebrows slightly wrinkled up. Looking at the blue life's expression, he was full of helplessness. Was he looking for trouble for himself?

But this woman really shouldn't stay. This time she can stab them. It's hard to guarantee that she won't do the same thing next time.

Brow slightly wrinkled up, Wu Shanshan also a little difficult for a while, do not know how to punish the second lady.

"Sister, please help me. I really know it's wrong. Help me." When the second lady saw Wu Shanshan's face in distress, she immediately knew that she still had a chance. This person was very soft hearted. As long as she begged for help, she would help her.

I think so, but when the second lady begged for Wu Shanshan, she still had jealousy and crazy hatred in her eyes, which made her eyebrows slightly wrinkled, and she was not willing to help the second lady.

It's understandable if she really changed, but she's like this. It's not like she really changed, but it's like getting worse.