The second lady looked at Wu Shanshan's subconscious frown. She thought she was going to succeed, that is, LAN Pengsheng on the edge thought that Wu Shanshan really wanted to help the woman who was picky inside and outside.

"Sister, it's not that your sister doesn't want to help you, but that you don't realize that you really did something wrong. You just said it to stay in the blue family and survive." Wu Shanshan sighed and said helplessly.

Two Madame a listen, the expression on the face broke instantly, what does this woman mean? Is she unwilling to help herself?

"What do you mean?"

"I won't interfere with the master's decision, and to keep you, we all have to take a big risk, which we can't afford to gamble." Wu Shanshan looks at the second lady with a complicated face.

This man used to be different. Why is he so selfish now.

"Ha ha, Wu Shanshan, what are you doing with such a high sounding voice? Aren't you just afraid that I'll stay and my son and I will take what belongs to you? " When the second lady saw that it was no longer possible to plead, she stopped pleading. Instead, she looked at Wu Shanshan fiercely and said angrily.

In that case, not only does Wu Shanshan think there is something wrong with her brain, but also with those on the side.

Is wushanshan the master mother or the most favorite woman of lanpengsheng? What is she? She even said she wanted to rob wushanshan? It's too much for me.

Wu Shanshan was not angry, but was amused by her words: "you said you would rob me? I don't know if you want to grab the position of the master mother with me, or what? "

It's not that Wu Shanshan said that even if this woman stayed, there would be no good fruit to eat in the future, because LAN Pengsheng has completely hated her.

As Wu Shanshan thought, lanzhuosheng was disgusted with her. "Pull people down and hit a hundred boards. If you die, you can throw them away. If you don't die, you can sell them."

LAN Liangsheng's words made the second lady's eyes suddenly open. He said he would hit one hundred boards of his own? It's not dead and it's going to be sold.

"Master, I'm wrong. I really know I'm wrong. Please forgive me this time. I won't dare to do it again. In the face of Chenger, please forgive me." The second lady is really scared this time. LAN Liangsheng can say such words, which means that he is serious this time. He is not joking with himself. She should not be sold. She also has a son. She wants to live well.

LAN Liangsheng didn't look at the second lady, but looked at the servant girls: "what are you doing? Do you want me to do it myself? "

No matter how the second lady and blue city begged, at last the second lady was hit by a hundred boards. When they stopped, the whole back of the man was already bloody, which made Wu Shanshan frown.

"Master here..."

"Shan Shan, I know what you want to say, but it's all her fault." If she is the same as other people, don't talk, he won't do it, but she doesn't. Even if she talks, he stabs them in the back. Such people can't stay.

This is the end of the second lady's business. As for blue city, it's up to him to listen to Wu Shanshan's instruction, study hard, not to be like his mother, or to seek revenge from them at last. It depends on his own creation.

Ningmengyao and others took Lijuan back and gave them to Qingshuang directly: "I want to get the information as soon as possible, no matter what method I use."


Half an hour later, Qingshuang came in with a very strange expression on her face.

"What's the matter?"

"Miss, what we know about the peerless Xiao family is not the real Xiao family." Qingshuang said quickly.

Ningmengyao is stunned, with obvious doubts in her eyes.

"Not the real Xiao family? What does that mean? "

"The Xiao family is just a division of the Xiao family, and it is not recognized by the Xiao family."

Ningmengyao's movements stopped and her eyebrows were tightly wrinkled. This matter has just turned around. How can we get another Xiao family?

"Miss, it is said that the real Xiao family is the super family in this place. Compared with our family, the Xiao family is not worth mentioning at all."