Mei Ruolin's eyebrows have been wrinkled, and her expression is not very good-looking. It's not like she killed Cheng Yaojin halfway.

Because of the news of the Xiao family, the mood of several people is a little low. Instead, Ning Mengyao is looking for an opportunity to go there. She wants to see if the ancestors of the Xiao family have anything to do with her.

"Don't worry, there will always be a chance." Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao and pinches her hand, with a faint smile on his face.

"I know. In fact, we just need to be careful now. And if they really stop us from doing anything to the Xiao family, then we can talk about it later." Ningmengyao won't say what they are blocking, and even they will deal with it together, which is not realistic at all, so they can only adapt to the circumstances.

"Xiaoyao maybe you are right. Now we really shouldn't think so much. What we have to do now is to do well what we have to do at present." Yufeng nodded his head in approval. If they had gone to tangle because of a Xiao family, would they have a good life?

"Now we are aiming at the Phoenix family, the Xiao family and the Nalan family." Ning Mengyao said seriously.

"Mo's side..."

"Mo's side should have something to do with Nalan's side, but it doesn't rule out that song Yan deliberately said that. We don't have to worry too much about what Song Yu is there." Ning Mengyao thought a little and knew what they were worried about. He immediately said seriously.

Mo Lin nodded and agreed with Ning Mengyao very much. They were not sure about what song Yan did. But the only thing they could be sure about was that Song Yu was a good man, and the people he was in charge of the Song family were the best.

"Can we cooperate with Song Yu?" Asked Maureen, squinting.

"It's not necessary for the time being. The song Yan's family is in trouble. The Song family will not give up like that. Let them bite the dog first. Let's talk about it later." Although Ning Mengyao had thought of cooperating with Song Yu, he had not thought of contacting him now.

Now the Song family may be in a mess. There is no value for them to talk about this cooperation.

"Xiaoyao'er is right. Song Yan is quite popular in the Song family. Her death must have been a blow to the song couple. Now it's a while since the incident happened. Even if the Mo family conceals the news, it's time for them to hear it." Yu Feng leaned on the reclining chair and said quietly.

Mollin looked at them in front of him and discussed how to let Molly's family be dealt with by the Song family. His eyelids were drawn.

"What expression is that?" Yufeng looks at Maureen. What's the look in his eyes.

"It's nothing. I was just thinking that I used to be the young master of Mo's family. Are you really good at calculating Mo's family in front of me?" Maureen looked at them and said plaintively.

Yu Feng nodded seriously: "we think it's very good. Besides, you have nothing to do with Mo's family now."

Maureen shrugged his shoulders. He had a very innocent smile on his face. They were right. Now he is not the young master of the Mo family. He really doesn't need to think about the Mo family any more.

Song Yu listened to the voice from outside, frowned tightly, and her face was very ugly. What were they doing?

How long has it been since I reached out and rubbed my brow and heart? Since he knew that song Yan had an accident, his parents kept making troubles every day. He was so upset that he couldn't help it. Many times, he just wanted to stay outside and not come back. They always came to find their own troubles.

"What do you want, mom and dad?" Now he has begun to take over the affairs of the Song family. Every day, there are many things that need to be dealt with. Besides the family affairs, there are also business matters that need to be inquired about. But in this period of time, they run to their own place as soon as they have time, and even sit here all day to block him. This makes Song Yu impatient and feel cold at the same time. For the sake of her lost daughter , they even forced themselves to do so. Didn't they think that he was their son?