The head of the Song family looked at his son with a sad face. His face was grim and his face was just angry.

"Yu'er, your sister can't let it go like this."

"Yes, yu'er, if you think about something, we must revenge." Mrs. song has been haggard a lot in this period of time, and the whole person has been in a trance a lot. She always feels that she hears her daughter's voice.

Song Yu looks at them and listens to them saying that they will pay the price for Song family.

"Ha ha, do you know the trouble of going to the Song family now that something happened?" Song Yu looked at their cold mouth, and the expression on her face was too ugly, which made her subconsciously stop crying.

"What do you mean, yu'er? Anyway, it's your sister. How can you be so cruel? " Madame song sobbed at her son's dissatisfaction and said.

Since Song Yan didn't, they began to suppress Mo's family. Instead, they were attacked by Mo's family and suffered losses. After that, the old ancestor had already handed over most of the family affairs to Song Yu. Although the current song's head is still a head of the family, it's not worthy of the name, just because he has no power.

This result is absolutely the worst for them. They want to revenge, but they have nothing in their hands. How do they revenge? Now they can only ask their son for help.

But they also see clearly, the son is now simply impatient, he has been reluctant to see them.

"What do you mean? When song Yan was there, I never thought I was her brother. And I said at the beginning, don't send song Yan to Mo's house, but you don't believe it. You think I'm jealous of her. I can't see her well. How is it now? Is something wrong? Let me avenge her. Do you want me to compensate the whole song family? " Although Song Yu has also loved his sister, he can't bear to avenge her as long as he thinks about what she has done. In Song Yu's mind, song Yan is just looking for her.

"How can you say such a thing, yu'er?" The master of the Song family looked at his son and said angrily.

What does he mean by that? It's as if song Yan is self inflicted.

"I really can't help you with this matter. If you want to give all of the Song family, just to revenge song Yan, even if I agree, the rest of the family will not agree, and the ancestors will not agree." Song Yu looked at the couple and said seriously.

The head of the Song family looked at his son. He couldn't think that what his son did after he got the power was such a thing, which made him very difficult to accept.

"Yu'er, will you secretly help your sister get revenge? So the family won't know. " Madame song looked at Song Yu imploringly, with expectation in her eyes.

Such a song lady made Song Yu laugh at herself.

Look at the Song family leader and then look at Mrs. song. The expression on Song Yu's face is very strange. That makes the eyes of the two Song family leaders slightly change, and the expression on their faces is also a little embarrassed.

"I understand now. In your mind, the whole family can't compare with song Yan, even if I am your only son." Song Yu looked at them and smiled coldly. It's so nice. This is his father and mother, his own father and mother.

"Yu'er, we don't mean that. We just think your sister is so young. We feel sad, so So if I want you to help me, I hope you can get revenge for her. " Madame song quickly shook her head. In her opinion, as long as her son avenged her daughter, they would not be saying such things and doing such things.

But Song Yu laughed and shook his head.


"I can't help you. I don't have such a big right. Go find someone else. I have a lot of things to do first." Finish saying also don't go to see madam song to turn to leave directly.

"Yu'er, stop. Don't leave." Madame song hurriedly chased up and held Song Yu's arm: "yu'er, we just want to revenge Yan'er, how can you not complete us?"