Song Yu reached out and pulled the hand from her arm down. The expression on her face was not very nice.

"Don't tell me more, I won't do these thankless things for song Yan. If you want to avenge her, you can find your own way. I can't help you." Song Yu turns around and doesn't go back.

Mrs. song fell to the ground, looked at Song Yu's back, covered her face with her hands, and sobbed.

The son is now in power in the Song family, and the old ancestor also supports him. Why can't he help them get revenge with such a backer?

"Grandpa, what should we do now? Yu'er doesn't agree to help us do it together at all. Can't we just let it go? " Mrs. song looked at the head of the Song family and cried.

"Now Song Yu is not the Song Yu who can let us do what we want. He has his own ideas and opinions. Nothing is the same." The head of the Song family saw more clearly than his wife, and Song Yu's words were also very clear.

And he thought, now their food and clothing are all dependent on their families. If there is any problem in Song family, will they still have such a luxurious life then?

There must be no such thing. It's no fault that he wants to avenge his daughter, but he also wants to live like this now. So the Song family leader is really contradictory now. He doesn't even know what to do about it.

"Don't we just let it go? That's our only daughter. " Mrs. song began to cry, and the tears kept falling.

The head of the Song family is not in a mood because of the way Mrs. song looks at people. He is very bored.

"Enough, don't cry any more. We have sons without daughters. Think about it for yourself." The head of the Song family left Songyu's yard with his back on his back. Only Mrs. song sat on the ground alone, a little dazed, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Song Yu was relieved after he left home. If they continue like this, he really doesn't want to go back home.

They are all his parents and elders. He really doesn't know how to do it.

"Young Lord, are you ok?"

"I'm fine. Let's go. I hope they all left when I went back." Song Yu frowned and muttered.

The servant behind Song Yu heard what he said, and his eyelids beat. It seems that they have completely angered the young master. Otherwise, the filial young master would not have said such a thing.

Although Song Yu didn't agree to suppress Mo's family to avenge song Yan, he still cancelled some business contacts with Mo's family, but to his surprise, Mo's family didn't get angry, which was a little unexpected in his heart.

"Let's go."

"It's the young master."

Mrs. song didn't know when she left Songyu's yard, but when she got back to her house, she lost her temper and many servant girls and women were punished for this, which made the people of Song family more dissatisfied with the owners of Song family.

A person who is shameless and will only cause them trouble will die when he dies. Is it so inspiring?

Before, if it was not discovered in time by the ancestor, the Song family would be given white light by the couple, which they certainly didn't want to see.

As soon as the head of the Song family came back from the outside, he was blocked by the clansmen.

"Uncles, what can I do for you?"

"The head of the family, please take care of your wife. Although our song family is not short of money, we can't stand her incessant noise and smashing things. All these are earned by the efforts of the clansmen, and we can't afford her such waste." Said one of them in a cold voice.

"Don't worry, uncles. I know. I will discipline people when I go back." The main body of the Song family said with a smile.

Several old people took a look at the Han nationality of the Song family, and said in a cold voice, "if the owner of the family still has no way to manage his family, then abdicate and yield to the virtuous."