The Song family leader was frightened by their words. Although he said that he had no extra rights now, he was still the first in the family no matter what kind of treatment he received. If he was really not the family leader, he did not know what he would look like in the end.

In a family like the Song family, those who hold high and trample low are not without them, so in the heart of the Song family leader, he can lose the control power over the family, but he can't do without the position of the family leader.

"I see. Don't worry, uncle. I'll take care of her." The master of the Song family quickly said.

"For yu'er's sake, we won't care about you this time, but if it's the same next time, you can directly give yu'er the seat of the head of the family."


After seeing off a few people, the face of the Song family leader changed. It was ugly. That damned woman, is she finished?

It's been two days since that day. The woman can't move and lose her temper. She can do anything to the servant girls. These Song family leaders know that. But they didn't ask about it before. They just wanted to let it go. If they did, they wouldn't do it. Who knows how long it took.

With a gloomy face, I went back to the yard. Just when I went in, I heard that madam song was punishing a servant girl. The servant girl's back was full of blood. It was really scary.

"What do you want to do?"

"What? Are you in charge? " Song Fu's head didn't lift.

The head of the Song family's eyes became a lot colder in a moment, and all of them were haze.

"I don't care? I don't want your wife's seat, do you? If you don't want to, you should try your best. It has nothing to do with me. " The Song family leader sneered, "if you don't listen, don't blame me for being rude."

"Ha ha, you're welcome? I'd like to see how you can be rude. You're a waste. You can't even avenge your daughter. What else can you do? " Mrs. song sneered at the head of the Song family.

A man who can't even protect his own children, what's the qualification to say that? She doesn't want to see the master of the Song family at all now. As soon as she sees him, she will think of how he looked like a wimp.

For the first time, the head of the Song family said such things in front of her face. He went to the front of her and slapped her with his hands up. At last, he was disgusted and put his foot on her stomach.

Mrs. song, who had never been treated so violently, was suddenly stupid. However, the head of the Song family looked down at her face with such a cold smile like a nobody.

"If you don't restrain, I will let you know my means. In the Song family, my power has been elevated. A lot, but it doesn't mean that I have no right at all. I still have many means to deal with you. If you don't believe me, you can try it." The head of the Song family looked at Mrs. song's words and said.

"You You... "

"Don't provoke me again, you can't bear the consequences." The master of the Song family stood up and left. Mrs. song didn't expect that this was just a few days ago. Her life became a mess because of the death of song Yan.

At last, Mrs. song cried for a long time, especially when she heard that the Song family leader brought two women back from the outside, and none of them had a child or daughters.

For Mrs. song, the news was a bolt from the blue.

She knew that the Song family leader had a woman outside, but he didn't bring people back, so she pretended that she didn't know anything, but now he brought people in so grandly, not only came, but also two small wild species.

No wonder he doesn't want to revenge his daughter now. No wonder when she said that song Yan was their only daughter, his expression was like that. No wonder

It's no wonder that she is so stupid that she has found the problem now.

Song Yu listened to the news from her confidant and remained silent for a long time, then continued to deal with the matter in her hands.

He hoped that the Song family leader's practice could make Mrs. song restrain some, at least don't bother him.