Although the leader of the Song family didn't come with Mrs. song to force him these two days, Mrs. song still came here. Every time she came here, she was making trouble, and she couldn't do anything well.

Even if it's not done well, she even lost her temper and was implicated in the people here.

In the end, there was no way to make people lock the yard door directly. Unless he went out by himself, people outside were not allowed to come in.

"If that's the case, my wife will not be in trouble again, will she?"

"Well, she shouldn't have time." Song Yu nodded, and he was relieved.

Because the Song family leader brought back two women and two children. As soon as the relationship between them fell to the freezing point, the Song family seemed very calm on the surface, but actually it was very lively inside.

"The Song family is very busy now." In a luxurious study, the man sitting on the chair looked up at the person in front of him and said coldly.

"Yes, Mrs. song always wanted Song Yu to avenge song Yan, but Song Yu did nothing."

"Ah, it's really interesting. Song Yu is also a person." The man says with a smile, that means to let the people on the edge get gooseflesh instead.

"Master, what should we do now? Do you want to continue or wait? "

"Let the Mo family do something a little. It's better to let the Song family do it. Only in this way can we get what we want. However, song Yan can't do such a simple thing as a waste. At last, it will be exposed." The man first ordered the next thing, and then looked at the people around him very unhappy.

The people below, with their heads down, dare not answer at all.

"The child of song Yan..."

"Other people's species, why do you bring them back? Besides, I won't like children like that." Because in Mo's family, the couple's pet directly gave the child to the pet. At a young age, it can be seen that it is definitely not a good thing in the future. Such a person, he doesn't want, and he's not a place for recycling garbage.


"how are you doing in Xiaoyao villa

"The people of Xiaoyao villa have appeared in the blue family before. We can be sure that Xiaoyao villa is in the place where the blue family is. We only checked it and found no entrance."

The man chuckled, and the evil smile was on the corner of his mouth: "it's really interesting that a small mountain villa can hide so well. It seems that there are many talented people and different people in it. It's better to find a place like Xiaoyao mountain villa, no matter how you say it, you have to get your own hands."

"It's the master."

After people left, the man stood up from the soft collapse, walked towards the window, looked at everything outside, the man's mouth raised a smile: "Xiaoyao villa ah."

In the Xiaoyao villa, Ning Mengyao is checking their homework for several children, especially the embroidery of sugar and sugar.

"Xiaoyao is ready for the real big fish to come. It depends on our ability whether we can catch it or not." Yufeng Dala sits opposite to ningmengyao and looks at ningmengyao's sugar embroidery. His expression is really strange.

"Well, it's already ready, but whether they can find the villa is still a question." Ningmengyao looked at Yufeng and said lightly.

Yu Feng was stunned, and then he smiled: "Xiao Yao'er may be right. If you want to fish, they need to find bait." The evil smile of Yufeng.

"Mom, can I have fun with the eldest brother, the second brother and Doudou?" Tangtang sees two people begin to talk about business, then looks up at Ning Mengyao and asks.

"Well, go ahead, but be careful."

"I see." Although she sometimes has a little bit of confusion, but in general, she is very smart, OK? The mother is like this, always look down on her, sugar dissatisfied pout.

He pinched the bulging cheek of Tangtang, and Ning Mengyao let Tangtang go.

"Xiaoyao, I really want to ask you a question now."

"Listen, though I may not answer."

"Did you plan to disclose the news of the villa?"