Ning Mengyao looked at his curious look and couldn't help but pick up his eyebrows. "Brother in law, do you want to know?"

"I'd like to know, but you may not tell me." Yu Feng takes a look at Ning Mengyao and says with regret.

She is like this almost every time, as long as she doesn't want to say, no one will want to pry her mouth.

"I can't imagine you're still a military division." Qiao Tianchang looked at Yufeng in disgust, and the military division was incompetent. Obviously, he couldn't understand that it was still a military division.

"Joe Tianchang, you want to fight with me, don't you?" Yufeng suddenly blew up. Why doesn't he look like a military division?

"Now, whether it's the Xiao family or the Feng family, even the Nalan family, we are all in a stalemate. If we continue like this, we will never find a breakthrough. This time, Nalan Qing's arrival is just an opportunity. The bait has been thrown out, even if there is no fish on the hook?" Qiao Tianchang sat beside Ning Mengyao, lowered his eyes, and said softly.

Yu fengleng for a while, his head may be rusty, even so simple truth did not understand it?

Looking at the constant hammering of Yufeng's head, Qiao Tianchang said that people are fake and shoddy products, which he didn't believe.

"Ha ha, in fact, Tianchang didn't say anything about it." It seems that Yu Feng's expression is enough. Ning Mengyao laughs.

"What do you want to say, Xiaoyao?"

"What I want to say is about the person behind song Yan, first Mo's family and then song's family. We don't know whether there is the same family as them, but we can find out one thing, that is, the person behind song Yan is fighting for some family power, and intends to use it for him. In their eyes, Xiaoyao villa has only risen a few times In, there will be no strong strength, but nishang Pavilion is a money making machine for them. No one will despise less money. " Ningmengyao's expression is much more serious, and her eyebrows are slightly wrinkled.

Yufeng suddenly understood: "xiaoyao'er, do you mean that the other party didn't know the location of Xiaoyao villa before, so they won't have any idea, but now they know it, they will definitely fight against Xiaoyao villa, right?"

"Yes, 80% of the people who are looking for the position of the villa are probably the one behind song Yan." Ning Mengyao said very firmly.

"Another point is that the other party may start directly after finding the position." This is Joe Tianchang's supplement.

At the same time, people's attention was focused on Qiao Tianchang. They all analyzed the matter from the perspective of business. Suddenly, they heard Qiao Tianchang's saying. They were surprised.

"Tianchang, what do you mean?"

"Well, shopping malls are like battlefields. If we don't pay attention to this all the time, there will only be one result. That is, we will find out after the villa is found. At that time, we will be caught off guard and want to attack a new rising show fundamentally. This is undoubtedly the best way to do it. What's more, they can do it to Xiaoyao villa. Obviously, it's the key It's clear that the treaty signed between nishang Pavilion and those people is that when nishang Pavilion goes wrong, they will only fight, but when the villa goes wrong, they won't fight, because the villa has nothing to do with them, whether it is a change of ownership or not is not important to them. "

Yufeng frowns. If it's him, it's really possible to do such a thing.

"It seems that Xiaoyao is right to say something." Yu Feng looks at Qiao Tianchang with strange eyes, and then shakes his head.


"Xiao Yao'er once said that he was not afraid of hooligans, but of their culture." Yufeng said that he laughed first.

Qiao Tianchang's eyelids jumped. Does he look like a hooligan?

"Yao Yao, do I look like a hooligan?"

Ning Mengyao quickly shook his head: "surely there is no such a good rogue, are you right?"

Qiao Tianchang was immediately satisfied. Yufeng looked at him like that, and suddenly his eyes hurt.

"I don't know how Xiaoyao likes you because you are so cute."

"I don't know what my sister thinks of you because you are so poor."