Meiruolin looks up at Yufeng, sighs heavily, and shakes her head. She looks very disgusted. Yufeng really wants to talk with her.

"What's your expression, daughter-in-law?"

"Nothing." Meiruolin shakes her head subconsciously. Every time the monster talks with such an expression, it will be no good. Especially, she must be unlucky.

"My daughter-in-law, I think we should discuss this issue well." Yu Feng looks at Mei Ruolin with a smile. No matter what the expression of these people is, he carries them away.

Meiruolin's eyelids jumped, and she knew it would be like this. She calmly reached for the waist of Yufeng, jumped off his shoulder at the moment of his pain, and was grabbed by Yufeng as soon as she was about to run.

"My daughter-in-law uses this method every time. Should I change it?" Yufeng no matter how many people look at it, he whispers to Merlin's ear.

"Don't talk to me, you demon." Meiruolin suddenly blew up. This guy's typical lack of smoke makes him dare to talk in his ear.

The evil spirit of the wind smiled and walked away with the man in his arms. He didn't care about Mei Ruolin's slight resistance.

Feng Xiao and Mo Lin have never seen Yu Feng and Mei Ruolin like this. They look at them with a very novel eyes and see them leave.

"Have they always been like this?"

"How do I find out in the morning that brother-in-law seems to be more and more evil?" Ning Mengyao blinks at the back of Yufeng's husband and wife, and then blinks again. His expression is innocent.

Muchen also nodded: "it's really more and more evil."

Did Yufeng dare to do this to Merlin? Two slaps passed by early, but who knows that Yufeng has become more and more evil since he arrived at the west coast, especially after Yusheng's son.

Feng Xiao and Mo Lin look at each other and suddenly feel that they can't keep up with the times. What are they.

"I really want to beat Yufeng." Said Maureen suddenly.

"I want to."

"If you two go now, you must be beaten by Yufeng." Muchen looked at the two men and said in a cool voice.

Feng Xiao and Mo Lin are silent at once. Everyone is a man. They know what's going on. But how can they manage Ming Zhengda to say that? Is that really good?

"Well, let's not talk about them. What are you going to do about the fengxiaofeng family?"

"I can't move the fengxiao family for the time being. I haven't got what I should have. Besides, there's the deepest Fengqin in the fengxiao family. That person knows how to endure, and his ability is OK. Those two fengxiao family like him very much." Feng Xiao couldn't help but say sarcastically.

Muchen took a look at fengxiao and despised her very much: "you are really disgraceful."

"It's nothing to do with losing and not humiliating. My power on the west coast is not small. That's right. But you don't know that my power can rank high outside. But in the eyes of those people, my things are just not on the table. Those are super giants. Although the Fengs can't compare with those families, they are already in this place It has a history of nearly 200 years. Since I went out in my teens, they haven't told me anything about the Phoenix family. I have found out all their knowledge about the Phoenix family, but only two-thirds of them. The rest is the most important thing and the most dangerous thing for me. " Feng Xiao looks at Muchen and frowns.

If he had known the rest of Feng's family, he would have done it for a long time, not until now.

Ningmengyao reaches out and rubs her eyebrows. It's the same with a phoenix family. What would the Xiao family look like? She suddenly felt lost in the future.