Shanger is OK, but those two little things are different. These days, they have been studying at this time, and they have kept people away for a long time. It's necessary to let a pet go, let alone a child.

When it comes to pets, Qiao Tianchang thinks of Linghu Xiaobai. Since he came to this place, Xiaobai has been sleeping. If Nanyu doesn't say it's normal, they will worry about it.

"Xiaobai doesn't know when he will wake up." The three children are very fond of Xiaobai, especially Jomo Shang. Although Xiaobai is asleep, he goes to see it every day.

"Isn't Nanyu saying that it's just recently?" Ningmengyao is also very helpless. A fox has been sleeping for several years, but still hasn't woke up. It's a monster.

Feng Xiao and Mo Lin pick their eyebrows. They don't see that fox is sleeping these days?

"Niang Xiaobai wakes up." Suddenly, there was a very excited voice from Jomo Shang outside, mixed with squeak.

Ningmengyao looked up and saw Qiao moshang running over with the little fox in his hand.

"Little monkey, slow down. The little fox can't run away. What are you in such a hurry for?" Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang with tears and smiles, and the expression on her face is helpless.

"Hey, hey, mom, I want to show you at the first time." Jomo Shang said with some embarrassment.

Ning Mengyao rubbed the little monkey's little head hard, and she felt that the son really had no white pain.

"Well, call back the sugar and beans and tell them we'll go out together in a few days." Ning Mengyao said to Qiao moshang with a smile.

"Really going out? It's time for sugar and beans to be happy. " Jomo Shang smiled.

Joe Tianchang said before that they would take two little ones out to play when they came back. They have been sad for several days. Now they want to know. They must be happy.

"You think they'll be happy, too. I think they'll be crazy." Ning Mengyao said with a helpless face.

"It's been a long time since they wanted to go out. Now they can finally go out. Of course they will be happy." Qiao moshang and Ning Mengyao said a few words to each other, and then they hurried out with Xiaobai in their arms.

In less than a cup of tea, two little guys came in. They were not satisfied with the speed. Sugar rushed into Qiao Tianchang's arms, looked up and looked at him expectantly: "is what my parents said true? Are we really going out to play? "

"It's not all about going out to play. We have other things to do when we go out." Qiao Tianchang sat with sugar in his lap and looked at her eyes. He couldn't bear to tease her, so he opened his mouth.

"No matter, as long as you can go out and have fun." Sugar wriggled and said excitedly, it was really like a caterpillar.

Qiao Molin is also very happy. His eyes are bright. Although some people are small and big, they still show the little expression of their children when they hear that they are going out to play.

Ningmengyao reached out and pinched Doudou's cheek, with a helpless smile on his face: "we have a precocious variety in our family, so there is no need to have another one. Like sugar, you can say what you like directly, without feeling embarrassed."

"I'm your son, my mother." What is the precocious variety? It's a line of black lines? Did you say that about your son?

"Of course I know you are a relative." Ning Mengyao looked at her son, and said naturally.

Qiao moshang looked at his mother for a day and said that he was speechless. Well, the precocious variety is good, as long as his mother is happy.

"Well, your mother loves you so much. You have your own opinions since you were a child. You start to practice martial arts when you are a little older. It's not like sugar and beans." Sugar and beans also enjoyed the treatment of children for several years, but Jomo Shang did not.

Since they could walk steadily, they followed Joe mofeng's ass every day to practice martial arts. Originally, they were very distressed and didn't want him to do this. They just saw his satisfied appearance and didn't know what to use to refute it. So they let it go. Eventually, the child had no so-called childhood and never had a good one Have fun.