Although Jomo Shangs never cared about it, but he had some heartache in his heart.

"Dad, I like that." Qiao moshang laughs and grabs Qiao Tianchang's arm. It seems that he is coquetting. In this way, he has the appearance of a normal child.

Of course, he knew that his mother loved him. Although he had younger brothers and sisters, and older brothers, he never felt how much he was ignored by his parents. Many times, instead, he got more than his younger brothers and sisters. At least, whatever he needed, his parents would try their best to meet him.

"Well, this time you're going to have a good time. You're getting bigger and bigger, and I'm getting less and less fun to be a mother." Ningmengyao is very disappointed about this. Before, there were sugar and beans to play with. Now it's good. Doudou, like her little monkey, has become so precocious. Think about it. If sugar and two people become like this, what's the fun of being a mother?

Think of Ning Mengyao and feel the darkness in front of her.

Jomo has a row of black lines hanging on his forehead. How does he think his mother's last sentence is the point? Well, it's very wrong to say that, but that's what his mother gave him.

Qiao Tianchang took a sympathetic look at his son. He was helpless. If he could, he also hoped that the child could play like an ordinary child.

Not like a little adult now, which makes him dislike it very much.

"Dad, are you gloating?" Qiao moshang looks at Qiao Tianchang's smile. His eyelids keep jumping. Even if his mother bullies him, his father will come to join the party.

Qiao Tianchang is not frivolous, then shakes his head: "son, you think wrong, I don't think so."

"From top to bottom, that's what you mean." Jomo Shang left his mouth, snorted, and said proudly.

Qiao Tianchang is choked by his son. Can't he be so obvious?

"That's great. You can go out and play." No matter what they were doing, Tangtang and Doudou jumped up at once, cheering ningmengyao. How could she feel that they were abusing these two children?

Ning Mengyao looked at the two children and suddenly felt sad. She reached out and sat with Doudou in her arms. She lingered on his face and said, "I'm so happy to go out and play."

"Happy, but don't pinch me face to face. My face hurts." Doudou looks up at Ning Mengyao and blinks. It's called depression.

It's too much for mother to play with brother.

Ning Mengyao sighed and looked at his son Doudou sadly: "Why are you the same as your second brother? They're all early varieties. "

"Don't you have a sister? Or you can give us another brother and play with him. " Doudou stretched out his hand and pulled down the salty pig's hooves on his face. He looked at ningmengyao seriously and said.

Ning Mengyao looks at her little son in a daze, and goes to see Qiao Tianchang in a daze? It's just amazing.

"Don't think about Doudou." Ning Mengyao had not yet spoken, Qiao Tianchang said with a frown.


"Your mother had a hard time giving birth to you two, so she won't have any more children in the future." For Qiao Tianchang, Ning Mengyao's body is the most important thing. Now they have three children, two sons and one daughter, and the foster son feng'er. He has been very satisfied, so he doesn't want to have any extra children. And most importantly, it's a tragedy for him to have children. Now that the children have grown up, he can live in a two person world with his daughter-in-law But they will not let others destroy their lives, even though they are their own children.

Doudou's brow is tightly wrinkled, just like a little old man, the regret on his face is so obvious, which is clearly depressed.

Ningmengyao was also helpless. She had a hard time giving birth when she was two hours old. She was scared to death. Now she wants to have another child, which is extravagant hope. But looking at the three in front of her, she is satisfied.