Ning Mengyao is satisfied at last, but he doesn't want to tease Doudou any more. He just talks to fengxiao.

Seeing that Ning Mengyao is finally normal, Doudou is greatly relieved. Tangtang sees him like this, and stealthily smiles with his mouth covered. Tangtang's smile makes Doudou feel that he hates iron but not steel.

"Doudou, let's go to Aunt Qing and ask for some treasure." Sugar to the bean's ear said in a small voice.

Doudou quickly nods. They jump off Qiao Tianchang's leg and run hand in hand. Qiao Moshan is worried. He puts Xiaobai on his shoulder and follows them out.

"Mengyao, we didn't expect you to be so naughty." Wait for a few children to leave, Feng Xiao just looked at Ning Mengyao jokingly.

In their eyes, Ning Mengyao has always been a very wise kind of woman, but what they see today seems to completely subvert the image of Ning Mengyao in their mind.

"Can you still have a serious face when you are dealing with children? That way, even if you are good to your children, they will be afraid of you. " Ning Mengyao shrugged and said casually.

In front of her children, she has no image to speak of for a long time. She can point out rivers and mountains in the shopping mall, or make jokes in front of her children and play with them.

But she is seldom particularly strict with her children, and only when they do something wrong by themselves will she be very strict with them.

"Would that be so?"

"As for the children, Xiaoyao's words are to be listened to. Our children are basically growing up with Xiaoyao and are well educated by Xiaoyao. We will also listen to Xiaoyao's suggestions. So now the children respect us, but they will not alienate us, they will play coquetry to us, but they will not rely on our love to do something we can't accept It's a matter of. " It was situ Xuan who spoke.

In fact, she doesn't know how to take care of and take care of her children, so Xiaoyao helps her take care of her children a lot of times. She and Muchen are also slowly exploring and learning. For mucihong, they will love her, but they will also be strict, but they will never do it.

She remembers that Xiaoyao said a word that impressed her very deeply. Xiaoyao once said that what comes out of a stick is not necessarily a filial son.

Feng Xiao also nodded, look around Qiao Mo Feng will know how good they will educate people.

"Aunt Xuan is right. She is very powerful." Qiao mofeng also nodded seriously and agreed with situ Xuan very much.

"Come on, I'm proud of you."

The children's affairs came to an end. As for what the two children took from Qingshuang, she would not ask about it. She knew that what they would take was just some mischievous gadgets, which made them really hurt people. They still dare not.

"Maple, will you come with us?"

"No, I'm not going with my mother this time. I'm here to help my father and dad." Although qiaomofeng also wanted to go, he just thought that they didn't seem to have a family out to play, so he didn't have the idea to disturb.


"Well, Mengyao, this time you can go on your own, just as feng'er is exercising this time, he will take my class in the future." Feng Xiao naturally understood what his son was thinking, so he looked at Ning Mengyao and said with a smile.

Ningmengyao looked at the father and son, and nodded helplessly: "since this is the case, then OK."

Originally, they planned to leave two days later, but due to the excitement of sugar and Doudou, they had to leave ahead of time. The next day, none of them took a Yirong and left the villa.

On the way to Xiao's house, Ning Mengyao's family didn't worry too much. They just walked forward slowly, as if they didn't pay special attention to it.

"How long will it take for Tianchang to arrive?" Ning Mengyao raised the curtain and looked at everything outside, frowning.

"I'm afraid it's three hours from the nearest city. Look at the sky. I'm afraid we'll spend the night outside today."