Ningmengyao frowned and looked at the wild. Although the space of the carriage is very large, enough for their family to rest in it. Cocoa, sugar and beans have never met such a thing and never suffered such a grievance. Now to let them sleep in the wild, ningmengyao's heart is not feeling good.

"Niang, can't we catch up to go to the city to lodge?" He has slept out in the past two years, but he is not happy to let his brother and sister sleep out.


"Mom, can we sleep outside? Wow, it's so interesting. We're out there Tangtang's eyes brightened as soon as he heard it. He said excitedly with Doudou.

Looking at the twins like this, Ning Mengyao felt very sad.

They are still worried that the two children will not like it and will be wronged. Who knows that they are so excited.

Since these two little ones agree, what else can they say?

"Tianchang, since the two little ones want to sleep outside, we don't need time. Let's go slowly." Don't say, the scenery along the way is also very good. Let the two small ones have a look.

"Good." In fact, Qiao Tianchang didn't want to let the two children sleep in the wild, only to see them so happy, and finally agreed.

The two children are excited. They lie at the window and stare at the outside scenery. They gather their heads to talk. While Jomo is reading, they protect the two people. They are afraid that they will fall down like this.

"Be careful, you two. Don't fall down." Ningmengyao is helpless to look at the two small ones. They also came out once. Why didn't they look like this last time?

"Mother, we are not so stupid." At the same time, they turned their heads and made a big face to Ning Mengyao. Then they continued to look outside.

Ningmengyao blinked, with some loss in her eyes, was she disliked by her son and daughter?

When the sun was about to set, Qiao Tianchang stopped by a beautiful stream.

"Wow, take a good look here." Sugar and sugar started to run around as soon as they got off, or they would destroy the wild flowers by the stream.

Looking at her like this, Ning Mengyao shakes her head helplessly.

"Yao Yao, look at them a little. I'll go around and see if I can catch game." Qiao Tianchang took his dagger and walked towards the hillside not far away.

"Dad, I'll go with you." Qiao moshang hurriedly stops Qiao Tianchang and hopes to help.

Joe thought about it, and finally nodded his head.

After the father and son left, Ning Mengyao took the two little ones to look for the dry firewood and put it back. When Qiao Tianchang and his two came back with a hare and a pheasant, there were many piles on the edge.

"How did you go to collect firewood?" Qiao Tianchang thought he would come back and do it again. Who knows that Ning Mengyao has already taken two children with him.

"It's OK. There are a lot of fish around here. I just read that there are many fish in the news. Let's catch some more fish." Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang.

"Well, I'll take care of them first." Qiao Tianchang took the hare and pheasant to the lower reaches of the stream and soon dealt with them.

Originally because the hare died and a little sad sugar saw Joe Tianchang's speed so fast, immediately shocked.

"How are you, dad?"

"Dad used to be a hunter, though it was several years ago."

"Is it fun to be a hunter, dad?" Tangtang and Doudou immediately became interested. Their father was so powerful that he even became a hunter.

When Qiao Tianchang saw that the two children were interested, he picked up some interesting things and told them. Even when he took Ning Mengyao to the deep mountain, he told them about Tiger and wolf.

"My mother is very powerful. Why is she afraid of tigers?" Asked the sugar.

"Because at that time, your mother's internal power can't be used. She only knows some Kung Fu, so it's normal to be afraid."