The people who were present did not have high martial arts, but no one saw how ningmengyao did it.

"That's awesome." Even Zhao Mingyu couldn't help exclaiming.

Zhao Xinxin was so happy that he waited for Nalan Li to deliver the fox to him, but he didn't expect that it would be like this. The couple, who seemed to be just ordinary, dared to fight Nalan Li. It was clear that they didn't take Nalan Li seriously, even though he wasn't a pet enough.

"Why do you hit people?" Zhao Xinxin went to Ning Mengyao's face and pointed to the angry voice of Ning Mengyao.

Ningmengyao looks at the ignorant girl in front of her coldly, her eyes squinting slightly. Is this man looking for death?

"Girl, when you go out, don't point your fingers at others. It will cause you trouble." Ning Mengyao looks at Zhao Xinxin with a smile.

Zhao Mingyu sat looking at all this, frowning and thinking about whether to help Zhao Xinxin.

While he was thinking, Zhao Xinxin suddenly opened his mouth. What he said was disgusting.

"So what, what old woman can you do to me?" In Zhao Xinxin's eyes, even if Ning Mengyao's martial arts are good, she can't do anything about it. We need to know that he is the eldest miss of Zhao family. What can she do? What dare you do?

Ningmengyao suddenly laughed, looked at Zhao Xinxin's proud appearance, walked over, reached for her arm and made a strong effort, the people beside heard the sound of bone fracture.

Then Ning Mengyao reached out his hand and just pointed to his hand. Zhao Xinxin cried out suddenly. The voice made Zhao Mingyu on the side a little upset.

Zhao Xinxin, a damned woman, knows who can't provoke? Is it all right now? If I lose my face, I'll kill myself.

Zhao Xinxin is totally stupid. She can't believe that Ning Mengyao dare to do it directly. If she doesn't do it, she will do it directly.

Ningmengyao looked down at Zhao Xinxin, who was curled up in pain on the ground: "the lesson is to tell you to be polite to people. You said that I am an old woman. As an old woman, I value age very much."

Qiao Mo Shang frowned tightly, and looked at the woman with a very unhappy look. He went to Ning Mengyao's side and looked up at Ning Mengyao. "My mother is the most beautiful person, and I don't know how many times more beautiful than that woman."

"Little monkey, don't compare your mother with such a person. It will only reduce your mother's and my style. Understand?" Ning Mengyao squints at Qiao Tianchang and says proudly.

Jomo Shang nodded solemnly: "well, my mother is right. This kind of person can't even compare with my mother's hair, and I can only harm others when I come out."

Ningmengyao was stunned, then he began to laugh, reached out and pinched Qiao moshang's face: "little monkey maybe you are right."

For the little monkey, Qiao moshang has ignored it directly. Fortunately, he is only called by his mother, otherwise everyone will call him depressed.

"Can my mother not call me little monkey in front of so many people?"

"No way."

The conversation between the mother and the son made Zhao Xinxin angry: "Zhao Mingyu, you are such a waste. You should watch others bully me. You should see how I can ask my father to clean you up when I go back."

"Zhao Xinxin, you've come to this end. It's all your own fault. I've warned you for a long time." After that, the couple of Chongning Mengyao apologized and smiled, and then told people to look at Zhao Xinxin.

Ning Mengyao is a little interesting at once. Zhao Mingyu is a young girl with a good heart, but she is not very popular.

"Here you are. I can't be difficult for you, for your people are good." Ning Mengyao throws Zhao Mingyu a bottle of ointment. If she didn't look at the face of the teenager, she really wanted Zhao Xinxin to kill herself.

"Thank you, madam." Zhao Mingyu was shocked. Looking at the ointment in his hand, he felt very comfortable.

Zhao Mingyu took the good ointment and went to Zhao Xinxin's side. He handed the ointment to the accompanying doctor.

"You take it away, I don't want to use their things, who knows if they will harm me." Zhao Xinxin was not willing to use their things, he said in a painful voice.

"It's the hands that are disabled, the hands that become disabled, or the medicine that you use. You can do it by yourself."