Zhao Mingyu's words and expression have explained everything. Zhao Xinxin knows that if he doesn't want to use others' medicine today, Zhao Mingyu won't really care about her.

Zhao Mingyu is cold even to his parents at home, just like he is just a machine without feelings. For such a person, Zhao Xinxin knows that she can't really do this.

Drooping eyes, eyes hate flash, are the fault of this bitch, even let her so many people lost face years ago.

It's not unreasonable that Zhao Xinxin became the eldest miss of Zhao family. Although she is pampered, she is not a real fool. It's very normal to see her face.

"I see. Give it to me." Zhao Xinxin lowered his eyes and said lightly, as if the hysterical person just now was not her.

Compared with Ning Mengyao, she just sneered and didn't care. As long as people don't come to their trouble, she won't do anything.

I don't know if Ning Mengyao's method is too harsh. After that, no one really came to their trouble.

The sky gradually darkened, sugar lost the spirit of adventure, relying on Ning Mengyao's arms to look at the stars.

At this time, there are only one or two small things with bright light to fly out of, and then more slowly.

Sugar mouth open big, eyes also stare round: "what is that mother? If there is light, you can fly. Have a good look. "

"This? This is called firefly Ning Mengyao said, holding the sugar which was too excited.

"Where does the Firefly come from? Why didn't we see it in the afternoon. " Where are so many fireflies hidden?

Curiously, they didn't see it during the day.

"This is a question. My mother doesn't know where they are hiding. Maybe they are hiding behind those twigs?" Ning Mengyao also said thoughtfully.

"Ah? Don't your mother know? Do you know that father? " Sugar turned to look at Qiao Tianchang and was very confused and asked, "why don't sugar go to have a look on its own? See where they're hiding. " In terms of educating children, Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao are united front. Sometimes it's better to let children explore the answers directly than to let them explore, which often leads to unexpected results.

Tangtang's eyes turned and jumped out of Ning Mengyao's arms.

"Doudou, let's go together."


"Do you two want to leave me?" Jomo Shang was very dissatisfied.

In fact, he saw so many fireflies for the first time.

"Brother, too." The two said in unison.

Watching the three children run out, Ning Mengyao doesn't worry, just the light on the fire, watching the three children run and jump there, even Qiao moshang, which makes Qiao Tianchang and his wife feel right to play.

The beautiful scene is always destroyed by people. The innocent laughter of the three children keeps laughing and making noise on the edge of the stream. Zhao Xinxin is also looking at the children with gloomy eyes and spitting poison, which makes people very uncomfortable.

"What kind of noise? I don't want people to rest. " Zhao Xinxin doesn't think that he's right again. When he's late, he's still playing. Hearing their voices, Zhao Xinxin will think of the pain their parents have brought to her.

Ningmengyao's eyes are cold and silent. Can she say it without naming her name?

Zhao Xinxin said for a long time that no one paid attention to her. Her face was black and she could play the role of Baogong without makeup.

"Let them all shut up, so noisy, let no one rest?" Zhao Xinxin's hand is still in special pain. Although she dare not do anything to Ning Mengyao now, she can still talk to add block.

Ningmengyao squinted at Zhao Xinxin, and his mouth slightly hooked: "what identity do you use to command me? Or is this place your home? "