This place seems to be in the wild. At this time, it's just like less than seven or eight o'clock. What's the matter with children playing? Can she sleep so early? Is this a trick?


"My three children are quarreling with you, but now it's just dark and it's not time to rest. How can they quarrel with you?" Not to mention the children did not quarrel even if it is quarreled, according to the character of ningmengyao's escort will certainly protect the children.

So much for her here.

"Zhao Xinxin's family has only a few children. As for you?" Zhao Mingyu can't see any more. He thinks the three children are very lovely. It seems that the family is the young master and wife of a large family. Some children probably haven't seen fireflies before, so they are excited and playful. She has said that they are really disliked.

Zhao Xinxin is almost pissed off by Zhao Mingyu's words. What is he doing when he comes out to talk? And also said that such accusations in her eyes is in no scruples hit her face.

"Zhao Mingyu, shut up. You protect the three wild species like this. Isn't that you?" What Zhao Xinxin said at such a young age is so vicious. Zhao Mingyu hasn't had any reaction yet. The faces of Ning Mengyao and his wife have changed in an instant.

Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang, who have always been very precious to these three children, once muxue said that sugar sugar and beans are wild seeds, they were beaten by her, let alone do not know people.

Before Zhao Mingyu could speak, he saw that Zhao Xinxin in front of him had been lifted to the sky by the neck.

Zhao Xinxin's words not only insulted his three children, but also insulted Ning Mengyao. Doesn't she mean that Ning Mengyao doesn't obey women's way?

"Ah Let go... Me. "

"It seems that you didn't learn the lesson just now. Since then, you should learn more." As soon as Qiao Tianchang's voice fell, Zhao Xinxin was thrown out directly, and people fell in front of Ning Mengyao.

Although he wants to be fair to his children, he doesn't want to fight women. He also knows that his daughter-in-law is not so easy to provoke. Ning Mengyao's escort is more powerful than him. It's better to give her to deal with it.

People of Zhao family looked at this scene and were dissatisfied with Zhao Xinxin. They didn't deal with her. What else did she want to do?

"This gentleman, this lady, our young lady is still young. I hope you'll forgive me. Your Excellency doesn't remember that the villain has spared our young lady this time." Just now, they didn't do it because master Mingyu didn't speak, and master Mingyu also reminded them.

What's more, people were tortured by Zhao Xinxin and nalanli all the way, so they also wanted to teach them a lesson as long as they were OK.

But who would have thought that she would not be taken care of any more? Instead, she would go to find trouble in front of her.

They all like these three children very much. Half of the accompanying people are married. There are many children in the family. They are small children. They will be very excited to see so many fireflies. What's more, they are big family. But they are just born to be in trouble. Even if they are in trouble, they not only scold them How can they not be angry that their children, even their masters, have been scolded?

"Young? I don't think so. I can say such vicious words. Is it still young? Even if it's true, so what? It's not an excuse for her to do something wrong. " Ning Mengyao looks down at the woman who is shaking her body. She smiles sarcastically at the corner of her mouth. This woman is too useless to interest her.

The Zhao family's face was a little dim when ningmengyao said it, but they didn't think they were wrong. They were all right.


"Madam, it's not our Zhao family's business. I hope madam will forgive me. As long as she lives, she won't be disabled. How can she teach me at will?" Zhao Mingyu went to Ning Mengyao and bowed.

Ning Mengyao looks at Zhao Mingyu with a playful face: "aren't you afraid that I will kill her?"