Zhao Mingyu shook his head firmly. He was quite sure that Ning Mengyao would not do that. He did not know why he felt this way, but when he saw the woman's eyes, he knew that she would not do such a thing, or he would not give him ointment before.

"I'm sure you won't." Zhao Mingyu said seriously.

Ningmengyao tut tut twice. I don't know what kind of blessings the Zhao family has built in the past. Zhao Mingyu is a very good leader with distinct rewards and punishments.

As long as you give him a little time, you will surely become a butterfly. The golden scale is not a thing in the pool. It may be said that Zhao Mingyu is such a person.

"I can save her life, but I'm not sure what will happen to her in the end." She has more means to torture people. She doesn't care about one or two of them. What's the fun of killing people directly.

Zhao Xinxin is proud of her. She knows that these people dare not do anything about her. Zhao Mingyu will not let her be bullied like this, but the idea is not good, but the reality is bone feeling. Zhao Mingyu's words, for Zhao Xinxin, it is a disaster at all, and it is also a disaster.

"Zhao Mingyu, if you dare to do this to me, I will not let dad let you go."

Zhao Mingyu sneered at Zhao Xinxin. Only Zhao Xinxin thought that she was the most favored person in Zhao's family. Because she behaved very skillfully in front of her family, her family all loved her. Even if she was domineering, it didn't matter. After all, she would marry soon, and only Zhao Xinxin could not see the truth of the matter.

"Dad is not that kind of unreasonable person. You are the first one to make a mistake in this matter. The whole family didn't provoke you. You have a problem in your own brain. You have to look for a cigarette and put your face together to fight. If you have such a chance, isn't it stupid for others not to fight?" Although it was cold on Zhao Mingyu's face, he was also a vicious tongue.

Hearing Zhao Mingyu's words, Ning Mengyao suddenly had a very good feeling for the young man. The young man is about 17 or 18 years old. He is three or four years older than Qiao mofeng. If they meet each other, they may become very good friends.

"Zhao Mingyu..."

"Zhao Xinxin, you've been struggling with Nalan Li's family all the way. Now you're even making trouble outside because of some small things. Even if dad knows, I won't be the one he punished." Zhao Mingyu sneered and looked at Zhao Xinxin sarcastically.

Ning Mengyao looks at Zhao Mingyu and then at Zhao Xinxin. Although she doesn't like this little girl, she still has a good feeling for Zhao Mingyu. When do you want to let feng'er come over, you can have a good friend.

Qiao Tianchang has the same idea as Ning Mengyao. He knows his adopted son's character. He is the eldest brother in the villa when he grows up. He doesn't have a real friend. His heart is good when he looks at this young man. It's very good to be a friend with feng'er.

"We won't embarrass the young man in your face, but I also hope that she won't make any more noise after that. Everything will be no more than two and no more than three. Understand?"

"Thank you, madam." Zhao Mingyu was shocked. He didn't understand why they let Zhao's heart go so easily.

"You two can do it yourself."

"Well, this is the itch powder just developed by my brother, and it's an upgraded version. Can we use it?" Doudou carefully takes out a bottle and looks at ningmengyao seriously.

"Use it."

Ning Mengyao's consent was an exciting result for the two children. They cheered, ran to Zhao Xinxin's side, and put some pruritus powder on her.

"Haha, it's only effective for two days. If you endure it, nothing will happen. But if you catch it, it won't work until you scratch your skin." Tangtang is like a little angel one day, but it's creepy for minutes.