After playing with Tangtang and Doudou for a while, they felt very uninteresting. They ran to Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao's arms and looked at Zhao Mingyu in front of them with a pair of innocent eyes, which were still full of curiosity.

"What are their names, aunts? It's lovely. " Zhao Mingyu looked as like as two peas in love. The two children were really cute, cute, and different from the children they had seen at home.

"The boy is looking for Qiao Molin, the little name is Doudou, the girl is Qiao Yumo, the little name is Tangtang, the little name is Qiao moshang just now, the little name is little monkey, but only I can call this little name, you can call him Shanger." Ning Mengyao introduces his three children to Zhao Mingyu.

Qiao Tianchang helplessly looks at his daughter-in-law: "daughter-in-law, are you not afraid of his anger when you tell outsiders about Shanger's name?"

"He was too busy writing to maple to get angry." Ning Mengyao said with no concern.

This made Jomo Shang, who had written the letter and got down from the carriage, listen to him. He looked at his family more like a child's mother than his sister with black lines on his face.

"Can you give me some face when my mother is in front of outsiders?" Jomo Shang really wants to cry for this.

He has protested against this little name for a long time, but his mother said nothing to change. He also asked what to give him such a little name. But his father said that when he was born, his skin was a little red and wrinkled, so he gave him the little name of little monkey, and he called himself a little monkey when he was a little boy.

At the thought of this Jomo sorrow, he felt very kind.

"That's not good. It's my only pleasure."


"It's no use calling dad." Ning Mengyao shook her head firmly.

Qiao Mo Shang silently looks at Ning Mengyao's eyelids, which is his mother?

Zhao Mingyu looked at their family's way of getting along, and suddenly he felt envious.

"Shanger, you should be satisfied, at least uncle Qiao and aunt Qiao, and they treat you so well." From just getting along with each other, he could feel that the ningmengyao couple had a slow love for their three children, which he had never felt before.

Jomo shanghehe smiled and touched his nose with embarrassment: "of course, I know my parents are very good to me, but I just don't want my mother to call me such a nickname."

"How about if I don't call you Xiao ming'er when you are the same age as your elder brother?" Ning Mengyao thought about it. Maybe it's not very good to call it that way.

"Mother doesn't matter." He just said it casually. He could feel his mother doting and loving when she called him little monkey.

Zhao Mingyu is suddenly confused. Who is their eldest brother?

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce our eldest son to you. In fact, he was adopted by us when the little monkey was very young. His name is Qiao mofeng, and his name is Fengqi." Ningmengyao saw Zhao Mingyu with a very strange look at them and said with a smile.

"Oh, so it is."

On the other side of Zhao's family, it's very gratifying to see Zhao Mingyu like this.

Young master Mingyu has moved out of his house since he was an adult and the owner of his family gave him some property. He just goes back to his old house every once in a while, but they have never seen Zhao Mingyu so relaxed.

This evening is probably the happiest one Zhao Mingyu has had, but Qiao mofeng is a little restless.

Speaking of practicing, he suddenly saw Qiao moshang's Xin Ying coming back. He came to find him, stopped his action, raised his arm and let Xin Ying stop on his arm.

Take down the letter tied on the foot of the letter eagle, and ask someone to feed it some food, then take the letter and read it.

At the first sight after reading it, he thought he had read it wrong. Otherwise, how could such a strange thing happen to him?

My father, mother and brother, who have been out less than a day, have found a friend for him. Don't they all make friends by themselves?