But why did it become like this when I came to my parents? Are they afraid they won't make friends? It has to be said that the truth of Qiao mofeng is that the two of Ning Mengyao's husband and wife are really worried that he can't make friends.

When fengxiao came over, he saw his son looking at the letter in his hand strangely, with a very strange expression.

"What's the matter? What happened? "

"Father and mother, they met a 17-8-year-old boy named Zhao Mingyu outside. They said that he was a friend for me. Let me meet him and make a friend." Qiao Mo Feng is very uncomfortable to hand the letter to Feng Xiao, some embarrassed.

Feng Xiao took a look at it and then couldn't help laughing: "I think you can go to see it, feng'er. Tianchang and Mengyao have very good eyes for people. Besides, Shanger's villain is very good. They all think that good people can't be wrong. You are always absorbed in learning all kinds of things, but you have never made a friend. I hope you Try it. "

"But I want to stay and help you." Didn't you say that you should study hard and take over the class for him?

"In this place, contacts are also very important. One more friend is better than one more enemy. Go ahead. They said they would wait for you in Liaocheng." Feng Xiao said with a smile.

Joe mofeng still has some problems. He really doesn't want to go.

"Well, try it. Look at your parents, me and your uncles. Which one doesn't have many friends?" They are good friends with each other, but they also have their own circle. He was worried that Qiao mofeng could not enjoy the fun brought by his friends before, but Ning Mengyao and them helped him solve it so quickly.

Qiao mofeng thought about it. It seems like that. Dad, uncles and aunts here are good friends. He also has friends outside, which seems to be very good.

So Joe mofeng decided to start at once. He was not sure that he could meet them halfway.

"I'm going now, Dad."

"Well, be careful on the way. I'll take all the swords and daggers I gave you. Wait for me." Then he went out, and when he came back, he still had a dagger in his hand, which was as good as Joe mofeng's, both of which were excellent weapons.

"Dad, what are you

"This is for you to give to your friends. You have to give something when you meet for the first time, or it will be embarrassing, right?" Feng Xiao said with a smile.

Joe mofeng thought it was right, so he took the dagger with him, and then left the villa on the sweat BMW that Joe Tianchang prepared for him.

After Muchen knew that, they looked at fengxiao strangely: "where is Fenger going?"

"Mengyao met a more interesting child and asked feng'er to make a friend." Feng Xiao said funnily.

"Make friends?"


"in this way, maple is really lonely."

Feng Xiao smiles and nods. He suddenly appreciates the woman. If it wasn't for the woman who poisoned him with seven insects and seven flowers, he would not go to that place or meet these people: "fate is really a kind of thing that people can't say clearly or understand."

"You're right. It's getting late. Go back and have a rest."

"Well, you too."

Qiao mofeng, who left the villa, was suddenly confused. He didn't know how to make friends. He never thought he would have friends.

Thinking about it, Qiao mofeng is getting closer to ningmengyao. After all, the ningmengyao family is slower on the road than Qiao mofeng.

It was not until midnight that Joe mofeng caught up with them.

Zhao Mingyu didn't go back to Zhao's camp all the time. Instead, he was beside them in ningmengyao's house. Suddenly, he heard the sound of horses' hooves.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and saw a young man in white, riding a horse to come here quickly, and went to the carriage where Ning Mengyao and Tangtang were.