Zhao Mingyu's eyes were cold, and the sword in his hand was pulled out. He could not let this man disturb his aunt and sugar sugar to rest.

Holding the sword, Zhao Mingyu flew up. Qiao mofeng's eyes were cold, and he pulled out the sword that he had put on his hand. He pushed his foot heavily in the stirrup, and the man flew directly.

The fight between the two men soon woke up the guards at Zhao's side. Qiao Tianchang woke up when he heard the sound of the horse's hoof. However, when he saw the familiar figure, he didn't make a sound, but he didn't expect Zhao Mingyu to meet him like this.

Two people fight hard to part, Qiao moshang also opened his eyes and leaned on Qiao Tianchang's side, eyes shining.

"Dad, do you think big brother can win or big brother Mingyu can win?" Asked Jomo Shang curiously.

"Draw." Although the internal power of the two men is a little better than that of Qiao mofeng, he can't compare with Zhao Mingyu if he has practical experience.

Jomo Shang curled his mouth and looked very boring.

It's been fighting for half an hour as expected. Both of them are still tied. Qiao mofeng's internal power makes Zhao Mingyu unable to win, while Zhao Mingyu can't lose for a while because of his real experience. The two are still in a stalemate.

"You two are still in good spirits. You stay up in the middle of the night, everyone. Why did you come here all night, feng'er? Didn't little monkey say that we will wait for you in Liaocheng? " I don't know when I woke up, Ning Mengyao stood by the window with one hand and looked at Qiao mofeng helplessly.

"Mother, did we wake you up?"

"It's OK. You wake up when you come. You want to see what you two want to do. I didn't expect to fight as soon as you met." Ning Mengyao looks at them funny.

Zhao Mingyu knows that this is uncle Qiao's adopted son, Qiao mofeng, no matter how stupid he is.

Zhao Mingyu grabbed his head in embarrassment and said, "I'm really sorry. I think you're going to the carriage. I'm afraid you're going to make a noise to get your aunt and sugar to sleep, so I started to fight you."

Ning Mengyao was shocked, but did not expect that it would be such a result.

"It doesn't matter. My name is Joe mofeng."

"Zhao Mingyu."

Two people look at each other and smile. They understand each other's meaning.

Looking at them like this, Ning Mengyao tut tut said, "you don't know each other."

Zhao Mingyu's guards are dumbfounded. This young man is even smaller than master Mingyu. Is he their son? And the martial arts are so good.

"Big brother, you've come so fast. You're here before dawn. It seems that you're very satisfied with this friend." Jomo Shang covered his mouth and yawned. He was a little sleepy.

Qiao Mo Feng came to Qiao Mo Shang's side, reached out and rubbed his head: "you little thing, still know to tease me?"

"That is."

Qiao Mo Feng reached out his hand to point Qiao Mo's head, but shook his head: "look at you sleepy, go to sleep."

"I see."

"Dad, take the beans to their mother's place, right?"

Qiao Tianchang thought so, but the little guy was not willing to, but now the sleeping incense, naturally there is no question whether he would like to or not, and he directly carried people to the carriage.

Qiao Tianchang takes Qiao moshang to rest on the side of the carriage. However, Qiao Moshan and Zhao Mingyu really don't know each other and become friends.

Two people also did not have the mind to sleep, went to the brook side together, also did not know is the same character or, two people are destined to become friends, two people soon chatted.

Listening to Zhao Mingyu's experience, Qiao mofeng frowned: "no wonder your actual battle is so fierce."

"You're good, and you're smaller than me." Zhao Mingyu also admired Qiao mofeng very much. He was so young and had such great martial arts.

Joe Mo Feng couldn't help laughing: "there is something in my heart that I want to protect, and naturally I have the power to move forward."

"Maybe you're right." Zhao Mingyu was stunned at first, then laughed.

"By the way, this is for you." Qiao mofeng hands the dagger that fengxiao gave to Zhao Mingyu.