"Give it to me?" Zhao Mingyu was flattered. They just gave him something when they met for the first time.

"Well, it's from my father. He said he would give a gift when he met for the first time." Joe mofeng was a little embarrassed. He didn't know how to make friends. He thought it would be right to listen to his father.

"Dad? You mean Uncle Joe? " Zhao Mingyu looked at Qiao Tianchang, who was not far away. He didn't see what he gave.

When Joe mofeng saw him like this, he knew that he had misunderstood him. He immediately laughed.

"No, it's from my father."

"I'm a little confused." Looking at the dagger in his hand, Zhao Mingyu was at a loss. Since there are all parents, why do you have to give your father's family name?

"My father has a lot of things to deal with. He can't let people know that he has a son." Joe Mo Feng is very casual to say, finally added: "but my father is very good to me."

Zhao Mingyu silently looked at the dagger in his hand. Suddenly he felt hurt and gave him such a good dagger. How can he repay it?

"It can be seen that so good daggers have been sent to you."

"My father has a lot of good things, not bad at that." Joe mofeng is just telling the truth, there is no other meaning.

Zhao Mingyu looked at the youth beside him speechless: "can you not show off?"

"No, I mean it."

Zhao Mingyu looked at Qiao Mo Feng's serious appearance, and suddenly thought of Qiao Mo Shang. He had been learning all kinds of things.

"Listen to Shanger, you are learning all kinds of things. What do you have? Can you still do medicine? " When Zhao Mingyu asked this, he was just curious.

"There are quite a lot of things, such as zither, chess, calligraphy and painting, sword technique, medical skill, poison technique, Qimen Dun Jia, all kinds of things, as long as they are useful to me." Qiaomofeng thought about it and said that he didn't remember how many things he had learned.

“……” Zhao Mingyu looks at Qiao mofeng speechless, is this what people learn? Learn so much.

"You're not tired?"

"I'm not tired. I think it's interesting, but I'm too focused on these studies and forget the practical training, so my practical ability is very poor." Joe mofeng has some helplessness.

Zhao Mingyu reached out and touched his chin, and looked at Qiao mofeng with a kind of bad smile.

"What's your bad idea?"

"In fact, it's nothing, that is, when I grow up, my family will give me some industries. I often run outside. Many times, I will meet some bandits or outlaws. I don't know if you are interested in going with me at that time." The reason why Zhao Mingyu will invite Qiao mofeng is very simple. He just wants to be with him all the time.

Qiao mofeng thought about it, nodded and agreed: "OK, tomorrow you talk about where you have industry, and then I will let my parents play for some."


"Yeah, my family doesn't expect me to make money." Qiao Mo Feng said casually, he took a few shops to play, as if to accompany him.

There is a powerful father in the family and a righteous father like a cornucopia. He really has no lack of money.

"Are you here to fight people?" He's tired of several stores. How can he become a playboy when he gets here?

"No, my mother is very good at business. If you don't understand anything, you can ask her." Joe mofeng's eyes are clear and serious.

"True or false?"

"Really, since I was with my parents, I never worried about money, because my parents have money to spend even if they don't do anything." Joe mofeng's lips are turned away. It's not too happy to have a business ghost.

Zhao Mingyu suddenly doesn't want to talk to this guy. This guy is clearly to fight himself.

"Alas, I'm different from others. To be honest, the shops in my hands are not very well operated. Although they make money, they can only make some."

"If you ask my mother to go tomorrow, she will definitely give you a very good answer." Joe mofeng spoke directly.

Ning Mengyao in the carriage was speechless for a moment. He lifted the curtain of the carriage and looked at Qiao Tianchang not far away. "Tianchang feng'er is selling my mother for a friend?" However, although it is said that way, Ning Mengyao is very happy. Qiao mofeng has such a friend.