Hearing Ning Mengyao's voice, Qiao Tianchang opened his eyes, which were full of thick smile: "what do you think?"

"I don't think he wants my mother even if he has friends. I just saw her and sold her." Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang with a sad face.

Qiao Tianchang is very happy to see the small appearance of Ning Mengyao occasionally, provided that he is the only one to see it.

"Isn't that what you want to see?" Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao with his eyebrows raised, which is funny.

Ning Mengyao was stunned, then smiled, "you are right."

After a few words with Qiao Tianchang, Ning Mengyao went to sleep again. Qiao Tianchang couldn't help shaking his head and laughing at her. It was really like a child.

The next morning, nalanli found that there was an extra boy in their team, and that boy's appearance was that he would be surprised to see a man.

He should be glad that Zhao Xinxin doesn't have a way to come out now, or he will see this young man, where else is his business.

Originally, Nalan Li wanted Zhao Mingyu to leave at once, but they said a word and went back. If you want to leave, they won't worry.

Zhao Mingyu choked and couldn't speak. At last, he could only follow behind, watching Zhao Mingyu chat with the boy named Qiao mofeng.

"Damn it, pick him up sooner or later."

Because the destinations are the same, Zhao Mingyu and others are not in a hurry to leave. They go directly with Qiao Tianchang and they go together. Zhao Mingyu rides on the side of the carriage. After thinking about it, he asks Ning Mengyao, but he thinks it's a bit abrupt.

"In this way, your stores are all biased." After listening, Ning Mengyao frowned and said.

"Yes." Zhao Mingyu is also very helpless. There is a legitimate son at home. Even if his father wants to be nice to him, it is impossible. After all, the ability of the legitimate son is good. It is very good for them to be able to give him so many stores.

"Well, when I get to the place, I'll let feng'er come with you to have a look. Feng'er, you can go by the way to help your mother inspect the industry, and give you a task to quadruple his profit in half a year. How can you do it?" Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao mofeng and asked earnestly.

Qiao mofeng thought for a moment, then nodded, "Mom, I can do it."

He has been studying for so long. If he can't do this, he will be back.

"The industries over there can help you, but can't rely on those industries to double Mingyu's industry, understand?"

"Mom, I see."

"That's it."

Zhao Mingyu stayed at one side, with a blank face. Why did he have his own kind of store become the existence of his aunt's assessment of Mo Feng?

"Brother Zhao, you didn't think wrong. My mother thought that it was to use your store to assess brother Zhao." Jomo shanglie on the edge of the bed is very casual said.

Zhao Mingyu is choking. It's true.

"During this period, Mingyu can follow Fenger's good study and learn how to manage your industries." It's better to teach people to fish than to teach people to fish. Ningmengyao knows this very well.

"Thank you, aunt. I see."

Zhao Xinxin has no road for two days because of the itch powder. She didn't appear in front of the public until the efficacy of her body passed. She was very angry when she learned that Zhao Mingyu was walking with those who hurt her.

She rushed to Zhao Mingyu's side. Just when she wanted to fight back, she saw a very beautiful person beside Zhao Mingyu, which she had never seen before. Even as a woman, when she saw Qiao mofeng in white, she couldn't help staring at him. He was so beautiful.

"Hello, young man." Zhao's face was red, and he said that.

Zhao Mingyu smiled sarcastically, and then looked at Qiao mofeng. "Mofeng, let's see what we can do for you."


Zhao Xinxin is obsessed with looking at Qiao mofeng's back, even when Nalan Li came to his side.

"Who is that man? When did you come? " Seeing nalanli, Zhao Xin naturally asked.

"That's Joe mofeng, the son of the couple."

"What? Is it their son? "