Mrs. Zhao looked at her daughter's extremely shy appearance with helpless color in her eyes. She didn't know what she looked like. She said here how does she know whether it is true or not?

"Mom, what I said is true. He is really excellent. Please help me. Besides, brother has a good relationship with Joe mofeng and his parents." Zhao Xinxin looked at Mrs. Zhao's entreaties and said, of course, she was very smart to tell Zhao Mingxiang about the good relationship with each other.

Mrs. Zhao looked at her daughter doubtfully, and wondered in her heart, "do you think your eldest brother has a good relationship with others? Is this true or not?"

"Of course it's true. Don't you know the relationship between brother Zhao and Mingyu? Joe mofeng is Zhao Mingyu's good friend. He must have introduced his eldest brother to them. " Zhao Xinxin said with some dissatisfaction that he hated Zhao Mingyu.

Mingming has a way, or even can help, but Zhao Mingyu is not willing to help himself, thinking of this Zhao Xinxin feels very angry, just very suffocating.

"It's that bitch again. I knew it would be today. I should have let him die like his short-lived mother." Said Mrs. Zhao fiercely.

Now she can't even try to do it. First, Zhao Mingyu is at home for only one month at most in a year. Second, since Zhao Mingyu became an adult, the head of Zhao family has given him several people. Not only that, but also his own martial arts are not bad. She can't find a chance even if she wants to do it.

Zhao Xinxin nodded her head in deep thought. She also thought that mother shouldn't have kept the name of this waste at the beginning, or they wouldn't be angry by that cheap kind now.

"Mom, what shall we do now? If it goes on like this, I will be married to Muyi by my father. I don't like Muyi. I'm the legitimate daughter of Zhao family. He doesn't deserve me. " Zhao Xinxin was very dissatisfied.

Mrs. Zhao shook her head helplessly, looked at her daughter, and then said seriously, "you can rest assured that your mother can still pit you?"

"What do you mean, mother?" Zhao asked strangely.

"Although Muyi is just a commoner, he is a man who has no idea and is easy to control. You really want to get married with him. How do you think of him then?" Mrs. Zhao looked at her daughter and said with a smile.

However, Zhao Xinxin turned away from him and said, "I don't want to. I don't want to marry Qiao mofeng because he doesn't deserve to lift his shoes."

"You silly girl."

"Mom, I don't care. You must help me. As long as I have a relationship with him, he must agree to marry me even if he hates me any more." Zhao Xin, of course, said.

Lady Zhao looks at her daughter's posture as if she is not married. It's not a good thing.

"Don't make a fool of yourself."

"Mom, I didn't make a fool of myself. I'm serious. I'll tell you very seriously. I must marry him no matter what means I use." Zhao Xinxin looked at Mrs. Zhao with wide eyes and said.

Mrs. Zhao still wants to persuade, but how can she persuade Zhao Xinxin when she looks like this?

"Mom, I know you're the best for me. Can you help me?" Zhao Xinxin sees Mrs. Zhao as if she still doesn't want to. She grabs her hand and starts to act coquettishly.

Mrs. Zhao's head was a little bit hurt by her shaking, and finally she could only nod helplessly.

"You let me think of something."

"That's great. I knew you were the best for me."

In the evening, when the family had dinner together, Mrs. Zhao looked at Zhao Mingxiang and said with a smile: "today, I've been listening to what my heart is saying about Qiao mofeng and Qiao mofeng. I want to see what kind of person he is. Mingxiang, I've heard from my heart that you know people, or you can invite all their families to our house."

Zhao Mingxiang and Zhao's master looked at each other and saw the meaning that only each other can understand.

"Mother, I know."