Zhao Xinxin has a happy smile on his face. What if you don't help me? Don't you have to do as soon as mother says it?

When she got the result she wanted, Mrs. Zhao nodded her head with satisfaction, but she didn't go on talking about it. The whole family was a little depressed after a meal.

The next morning, Zhao Mingxiang went out. In order to deal with the family affairs, he didn't come back until noon.

Seeing someone, Mrs. Zhao frowned: "didn't Mingxiang ask you to invite someone back? Why haven't you invited anyone here? "

"I have a lot of things to deal with in my mother's family. I can't go without doing anything, can I?" Zhao Mingxiang frowned very unhappy.

Mrs. Zhao was choked by Zhao Mingxiang for a while, but she was also dissatisfied, which was not directly shown.

"Then you can't help but go. You promised yesterday that it was OK." Said Mrs. Zhao discontentedly.

"Mother, don't you think it would be very abrupt to do so?"

"What's so abrupt about it? You and their children are friends. Let's invite someone to have a meal and make amends for what we have done in our hearts. What's wrong? " Zhao's excuse is a good one, but she doesn't think Zhao's heart is wrong.

Zhao Mingxiang looked at his mother with a smile on his face, obviously mocking: "Mom, do you really think so?"

"Or what do you think it is?"

"Oh, I thought it was her heart that made you do that. After all, her mind for Feng was so obvious that she blocked his parents at the door of the restaurant and criticized them in public." Zhao Mingxiang said casually, but he looked at Mrs. Zhao when he spoke.

When Mrs. Zhao heard Zhao Mingxiang's words, the expression on her face was a little embarrassed, but she always pretended that nothing had happened. No matter how she looked at it, it was a little fake.

"If so, shouldn't we apologize to others?" Mrs. Zhao said with a smile, but the smile could not be maintained.

Zhao Mingxiang looked at Mrs. Zhao and said, "I know."

Seeing Zhao Mingxiang's promise, Mrs. Zhao feels relieved and is ready for everything. If people don't come then, aren't they ready for nothing?

After Zhao Mingxiang left, the expression on his face became cold. Fortunately, they had already left. Otherwise, they didn't know what kind of moth to make.

That afternoon, Zhao Mingxiang went out, but it was also formulaic. After all, people have gone. Who else should he invite?

In the evening, when Zhao Mingxiang went back, his brow was frowning all the time and his face was helpless.

"How is Mingxiang? When will their family come? " Once on the table, Mrs. Zhao asked.

"Feng has left this morning, listen to Uncle Qiao they say, it seems to be to experience, uncle Qiao they come this time also have something to do, so they won't come." Zhao Mingxiang said helplessly.

"What? He's gone? It's impossible. His parents are all here. Where can he go? Big brother, you didn't go, did you? " Zhao Xinxin didn't believe that there was such a coincidence. Her voice was even sharp.

Zhao Mingxiang frowned at Zhao Xinxin and said discontentedly, "if you don't believe it, you can find it yourself."

In fact, he waited for more than one hour to wait for people today. It seems that uncle Qiao came to participate in the challenge competition of the Xiao family. As for why he wanted to participate, it's not clear.


"That's enough. If you don't believe in Mingxiang, you can do these things yourself. He is very busy and has no time for you." The Zhao family leader is very discontented to say.

Originally, after his son told him, he would not agree with him, but his son said that if they didn't follow their wishes, they could not point out what else they would do, and then they would be more at a loss. Anyway, both of them had already left, and Qiao Tianchang was very busy, so they had no time to come. So it doesn't matter if you don't invite them.

Mrs. Zhao was blocked by the words of Zhao's head, but she couldn't contradict him.

"In that case, they will have to wait for them to finish."

"No, brother, you mean it, don't you? You told him that's why he left so cleverly, didn't you? "