Zhao Xinxin looked at Mrs. Zhao, with a disappointed expression: "Mom, do you think they did it on purpose? Intentionally not to see us. "

"I don't think so. Let's come back at night and see what's going on." Mrs. Zhao's eyes narrowed slightly and she said.

Zhao's heart was helpless, but he could only listen to Mrs. Zhao's words. They went back to Zhao's house first and came back at night.

Their every move, Zhao Mingxiang all knew that he looked at his father impatiently and said: "Daddy, don't we let them make such nonsense?"

"What do you think of the couple?"

"It's powerful and mysterious."

"In that case, what are you worried about?" Zhao looked at his son and asked with a smile.

Zhao Mingxiang's expression was stunned, and then he smiled. Yes, since that's the case, what is he worried about? Isn't that worrying for nothing?

"But if they make a lot of trouble, I will not get along with Xiaoyu in front of them." This is what Zhao Mingxiang is worried about. He likes those three little guys very much.

"Don't worry, they won't be indiscriminate from Mingyu's point of view." Zhao said directly.

Zhao Mingxiang thought about it carefully. It seemed that he was too worried.

"Dad, I know it's probably because I'm too worried." Zhao Mingxiang said with an embarrassed expression.

Zhao's master patted his son on the shoulder. It's hard for him to like it. He can't understand his son's meaning.

"Well, I don't have to say much." Zhao said with a smile.

Because Zhao Mingxiang is not so worried about Zhao's words, but he is afraid that Zhao Xinxin and them will produce any moths.

Just after dark that night, Mrs. Zhao took Zhao Xinxin to the tavern and waited for a while until Qiao Tianchang and his wife came back with their three children.

Seeing Ning Mengyao, Mrs. Zhao's eyes flashed jealousy for no reason.

A mother of four, she looks like a new woman in her early twenties. Although she is well maintained, she still has wrinkles on her face. This is the last thing she admits.

"In your heart, are you sure this is the mother of Joe mofeng?" Mrs. Zhao looked at Ning Mengyao and asked suspiciously.

"Yes." Zhao Xinxin nods, but she doesn't know that Qiao mofeng is just their adopted son.

Mrs. Zhao frowned. It doesn't look like that.

"Mrs. Joe, please stay." No matter how disbelieving she was, Mrs. Zhao went over and said hello with a smile.

Ning Mengyao stops and looks at Zhao Xinxin's mother and daughter: "madam, what's the matter with you?"

"Mrs. Qiao, I'm Zhao Xinxin's mother. I want to talk to you about something. Do you have time?" Zhao said, looking at Ning Mengyao gently.

Ningmengyao picks eyebrows. It seems that Zhao Xinxin's mother has come to him.

"Then please." Ningmengyao opens her mouth with a smile. As the saying goes, she can't help smiling people when they meet?

"Thank you so much."

Zhao Xinxin happily follows Mrs. Zhao, walking behind them. After they enter their box, they are surprised, especially Mrs. Zhao.

They have never been to this restaurant, but they have never entered such a box.

Mrs. Zhao's eyes flickered slightly. It seems that they are really different from their daughter's. their family's real identity is different.

Seeing this, Mrs. Zhao wanted to promote the marriage even more.

"We have just come back from the outside. Mrs. Zhao can have a meal together if she doesn't mind." Ningmengyao's light invitation.

"Thank you so much." Mrs. Zhao's heart suddenly had a bottom. It seems that this man is also very easy to talk. In this way, this thing will surely become.

Thinking, the smile on Mrs. Zhao's face is more obvious.

Ningmengyao took a look at Mrs. Zhao, and a faint light flashed through her eyes.

During the meal, no one talked about the bad topic. Knowing that it was about to end, Zhao Xinxin looked at Ning Mengyao with embarrassment: "Auntie, where is mo Feng?"