Ning Mengyao looked at Zhao Xinxin with a smile, endured such a long time, and finally said out?

"You mean Maple? He went out to practice, and that's what he came out for. " Ning Mengyao said casually.

"What? It's true, but But how could he leave at this time? " Zhao Xinxin asked unwillingly.

"What do you say in your heart, the life of the parents, as children, of course, should be listened to. How can you talk like this?" Mrs. Zhao scowled and stared at her daughter discontentedly.

Mrs. Zhao said this because she thought that the reason why Qiao mofeng left was because of the meaning of Ning Mengyao and his wife.

"No, Auntie they won't." Zhao Xinxin's face slipped down two lines of clear tears. His expression was a little broken. People who didn't know it really felt that they had separated her and Qiao mofeng.

Qiao Tianchang's eyes are cold. As soon as she wants to speak, she is stopped by Ning Mengyao. She wants to see what the mother and daughter can say.

Mrs. Zhao's mother and daughter are there for you to say a word to me, but Ning Mengyao and his wife don't interrupt at all, just like they didn't hear each other, which makes Mrs. Zhao gradually speechless.

"Auntie, you What are you doing Look at us like this. " Zhao Xinxin was embarrassed, but also embarrassed.

Ningmengyao's mouth slightly hooked: "nothing, I'm just curious. I'm curious how someone can talk to himself to this extent."

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Zhao is not satisfied.

Ning Mengyao smiled sarcastically: "who told you that feng'er only went out to practice after listening to us? Don't compare our Qiao family's children with others. No matter what our Qiao family's children want to do as parents, they won't interfere. No matter their future, they want to marry, or the people they want to marry, we won't interfere, as long as they like. "

When Mrs. Zhao heard this, her eyes lit up immediately, and she said with a smile: "since this is the case, he and my family are very happy. How can you disagree?"

"They love each other? How can I not know? " Ningmengyao looked at Mrs. Zhao with a surprised face and asked suspiciously, "I remember that feng'er didn't have much good feelings for Miss Zhao. How can I get here to be happy with each other?"

Mrs. Zhao's face changed and she was embarrassed. How can she answer that?


"Auntie, I know you misunderstood me. I don't know what Zhao Mingyu said in front of you. But auntie, I really love and love Mo Feng. I hope you can help us." Zhao Xinxin looks at the expression on Ning Mengyao's face with sadness, which looks like a sad disappointment after encountering obstacles.

Ning Mengyao looks at Zhao Xinxin like this, and nods unconsciously. Well, the play is really good and lifelike. If she doesn't know the reason, she really believes it.

Zhao Xinxin is actually a little worried after saying these words. She is afraid that Ning Mengyao and they know about Muyi, and even more afraid. Do they say something to them.

"Ha ha, look at what you said, I said before. As long as feng'er likes it, we won't refute it. I won't let feng'er do something he doesn't want because you like it." Ning Mengyao said directly.

Zhao Xinxin's face turned white.

"Mother, we don't want her to be our sister-in-law, so bad." Sugar puffed his face, discontented.

"That's right. I also said that I don't like such people. I like gentle and kind-hearted people. This sister has nothing to do with gentle and kind-hearted people. She's just as unruly and willful." Doudou nodded at the same time and said very seriously.

Zhao Xinxin listened to the words of the two children, and his face turned white. Looking at the two children sadly, he said very wrongly, "I don't know where I made you angry. You should treat me like this."