Tangtang looked at Zhao Xinxin contemptuously, and his face was full of dislike for her: "you are too strange to talk, aren't you? What did we do to you? We just don't like you. What's the matter? "

"That is, who likes a bad woman like you?"

Two small words are like a thorn, choking in the throat eyes can not go down, that constipation expression is really very interesting.

"Mrs. Joe, I came here with sincerity to tell you about this. Is that how you treat your guests?" Even if Mrs. Zhao knows what her daughter looks like, she can't let others bully her.

Qiao Tianchang looked at the mother and daughter impatiently, with impatience in his eyes: "if you are not happy, go away immediately. No one asks you to stay."

When Zhao Xinxin was pretending to be pitiful, Qiao Tianchang was already disgusted. Now that Mrs. Zhao has said that, isn't it because she met his scales?


"Uncle Joe, do you have any misunderstanding about me?" Zhao Xinxin looked at the two helplessly and said.

"Misunderstanding? It wasn't you who stopped me at the door of the restaurant yesterday? It wasn't you who wanted to plunder before? You didn't hurt the sugar? I don't deny that you like Fenger, but I don't think you are suitable for Fenger, and Fenger doesn't like you, so don't waste time on us, I don't think it's necessary at all. " Since people have understood what they said so clearly, she doesn't need to keep hiding, she said bluntly.

Zhao Xinxin couldn't believe looking at Ning Mengyao, and his eyes were full of fear: "Auntie, if it's because of this, I apologize. Can you give me a chance? I really want to be with him. Believe me."

When Ning Mengyao said these words to Zhao Xinxin, she suddenly came to Zhao Xinxin's eyes and saw the panic in her eyes as she wished.

"Zhao Xinxin don't say so well. When you say you love feng'er very much, what I see in your eyes is the yearning for power and desire." Ning Mengyao looks at Zhao Xinxin and says.

"I I didn't. " Zhao Xinxin is a little guilty.

Ning Mengyao looked at Zhao Xinxin and said, "I just got a more interesting information from my subordinates today. Do you want to know what it is?"

"What?" Zhao asked subconsciously.

"What? In fact, it's nothing. It's something happened in Fengcheng two years ago, and it's still about you. Of course, there's also the reason why you can come back from the outside. If you don't want to marry Muyi, the son of Mujia, come to think of maple? Zhao Xinxin, who gave you this courage? " Ningmengyao's face changed in vain. He looked at Zhao Xinxin coldly and his expression was very ugly.

Before Zhao Mingxiang brothers just told them to be careful, Zhao Xinxin. No matter what she said, she couldn't believe it. So she asked someone to investigate. Unexpectedly, it doesn't matter if this is not an investigation. As soon as we investigate, we get something interesting.

"I didn't. It's not true. Did Zhao Mingyu tell you that? It's not true. " Zhao Xinxin said, how can things get to this point? No, it will not.

Ning Mengyao looks at Zhao Xinxin, who is still deceiving herself, and smiles sarcastically at the corner of her mouth: "I don't need to be told that Qiao's family is not good at heart, and don't think others are so bad. I don't like to see you pester feng'er again later. Is it clear?"

Mrs. Zhao originally thought that Qiao Tianchang and them came from other places. She didn't know these things at all. Who ever thought about them? They had already investigated them clearly.

"You mean to see us make a fool of ourselves, don't you?" Zhao Fu's face is white. Since this woman has known for a long time, why should she treat them like this? It doesn't make sense at all.

"We don't have time to see you make a fool of yourself. Don't forget that you came here by yourself, not us."