Ningmengyao's words made Mrs. Zhao's face a little ugly, but she couldn't find any words to refute.


"Uncle Qiao, I can't marry Muyi. Please help me. I really don't want to marry Muyi." Zhao Xinxin sees that things have come to this point and there is no way to save them, so he plans to use the family card, hoping that they can agree.

"It seems that you ask for the wrong person. It's not us you ask for, but your father. It's impossible for you to let my son marry you if you don't want to marry someone else. If all the women who like my son use such means, what will become of my son?" When their house is a recycling station? Recycle everything.

Qiao Mo Shang looks at Zhao Xinxin coldly. His eyes are full of bloodthirsty. He really doesn't like this woman. She gives him a very bad feeling.

"Niang, let's go upstairs to have a rest. I'm so tired." Jomo Shang didn't want to continue to entangle, so he said directly.

"Yes, my mother, we are all sleepy. Can my mother tell us a story?" Tangtang and Doudou receive their brother's signal, and quickly say, and at the same time, they also look at ningmengyao.

For their children, Ning Mengyao has always been spoiling to the boundless, let alone such a small thing.

"Well, Mrs. Zhao, my children are all sleepy, so I won't keep you." Ning Mengyao's face was smiling and he was going to beg for orders.

Zhao Xinxin doesn't want to leave, but Mrs. Zhao doesn't have the face to stay here any longer. She drags Zhao Xinxin away and stares at Ning Mengyao and his wife fiercely when she takes him away. It's very uncomfortable to look at that.

On the way back, Zhao Xinxin lost his soul. When he didn't know it, several teenagers in another restaurant saw it all in their eyes.

"Isn't Muyi your fiancee?" The people on the edge couldn't help but burst out laughing, and all the words were mockery of Muyi.

Muyi looks at the person below with disgust and says impatiently: "you don't give me nonsense."

"Isn't it? They wanted to marry this woman to you, but Zhao Xinxin didn't want to marry. He thought you had no future, so he fell in love with a rich young man. He was very nice. But he left Fengcheng with Zhao Mingyu this morning. It seems that he didn't like Zhao Xinxin either. " People on the edge of Muyi raised their eyebrows and said.

"For a man who is rude to his parents and bullies his younger brothers and sisters, if he can like Zhao Xinxin, he can only use those two eyes as decorations." Muyi said rudely.

Several people looked at Muyi and said, "what are you going to do?"

"What to do? Of course, I'm leaving. Do you really want to marry a woman like that? " Muyi gave them a look and said angrily.

"Are you going to turn against Mu family?" One of them asked curiously.

"Are you a fool? When did I say I was going to turn against Mu's family? Besides, it's not the time. " Muyi looked at them and frowned.

Several people looked at each other, some didn't understand what the man wanted to do.

"You are?"

"Have you ever heard of running away from home? It's just that people think I'm cowardly? Because of the fear of having a mean wife, I ran away from home, which I think is a good excuse. " Muyi is sitting there with a teacup and talking to himself.

A few people on the edge gave Muyi a white look: "it's true that it's a rumour that people are wrong, cowardly? Are you like rono, like a weak and deceitful man? "

"I think it's quite similar. I'll leave tomorrow, just in time to have a look around. Will you go or not?"

"Forget it, the old man at home will kill us." One of them sighed and said that if he could, he would really like to go.

Muyi shrugged regretfully: "then you are really unlucky. OK, I'll go first."


"Come on, I'll take it today." Muyi didn't look at them very well and said scornfully.

"That's about it." A few people are not embarrassed at all, this says with a smile.

Muyi's eyelids jumped, and suddenly he felt that he had made a bad friend by mistake.