Muyi frowns and walks on the street. Thinking of Zhao Xinxin's ruthless woman, his eyes are full of disgust. At Muyi's house, he has reduced his sense of existence as much as possible, but how can those people still let himself go? In order to marry the Zhao family, he pushed himself out.

When he learned that he was going to marry Zhao Xinxin, he was stupid, and then he was angry, especially those who pretended to congratulate in front of themselves, which was ironic.

Don't they want to marry the Zhao family? Then he left here. He was upset to see if anyone else was gone. How could they get married with the Zhao family? They were willing to pull one of them out.

Who is Zhao Xinxin? Anyone with a little family background knows that, not only does he know, but no one is willing to marry her.

In the morning of the next day, Muyi left. After the people of Mujia got the news, they had been away for several days. Even if they wanted to find someone, they couldn't find him.

Zhao Xinxin knew that Muyi had left secretly. He said that he would rather leave the family than marry her. This is more painful than what ningmengyao said before.

After learning the news from Zhao Xinxin, the beating sound in the room did not break the soul.

Zhao head calmly walked to the door of Zhao Xinxin's room, raised his feet and kicked the closed door open. Mrs. Zhao was shocked. She quickly asked someone to go to Zhao Mingxiang. Now only he can protect Zhao Xinxin.

"Damned Muyi, don't let me see you, or I will let you die." Zhao Xinxin didn't notice that the Zhao family leader had kicked in the door. He was still there smashing things and swearing.

"How can you tear people to pieces? With such a vicious mind, it's no wonder that people don't want to take care of you, or even leave the family and don't want to marry you. You are looking for it yourself. " If it wasn't for Zhao Xinxin's bad character and his identity as a Miss Zhao, how could he be despised to this extent?

Zhao Xinxin hears the voice of the Zhao family leader, and stands up from the chair in a fright. His eyes are even more scared: "Dad You... Why are you here? "

"If I'm not here, will you ruin the whole family?" Said the head of the Zhao family angrily.

"I didn't..." Zhao Xinxin just wanted to say that I didn't, but when he saw the mess in that place and wanted to export, he swallowed again.

"Master, my heart is just uncomfortable. It's all the fault of Mujia Muyi. If you don't pursue Muyi, you'll come to trouble your daughter. It's unreasonable." When Mrs. Zhao saw that Zhao's family was mainly attacking people, she quickly reached out and grabbed Zhao's hand. She kept saying.

However, what she didn't know was that it was because of such words that she angered the Zhao family leader and made his face more ugly.

"Muyi's fault? You get out of my way, that's what you used to do with her. " Zhao's family is not strong enough. If he knew there would be such a result today, he would not let Zhao Xinxin follow Mrs. Zhao.


"Are you still my father? I like Qiao mofeng. If you don't help me, it's OK. Now Muyi makes me so shameless, so does Zhao's family. Instead of seeking justice for me, you come here and say, "how can I have a father like you?" Zhao Xinxin didn't know if he was a little bit silly to be stimulated. He even talked to the Zhao family leader like this.

Zhao Xinxin's words made the owner of the house laugh: "now I understand why they all happened to leave. If you are here, they will suffer a lot if they don't run."

"My father's family is coming here, saying that he wants to leave." Zhao Mingxiang came in from the outside, looked at the things on the ground and frowned.

Zhao Xinxin's furnishings here are all the best. Now they are all smashed. It would be a big trouble to let the rest of the family know.

"Let's go out and have a look." Zhao's master glared at Zhao's heart and left with Zhao Mingxiang.

Zhao Xinxin is totally stupid. The wood family is going to withdraw? If the couple really quit, she will become the laughingstock in everyone's eyes, especially those who did not deal with themselves.