"Mom, I can't quit. Help me find a way. I can't be quit." Zhao Xinxin grabs Mrs. Zhao's hand, just like catching the last straw.

Looking at her daughter's present appearance, Mrs. Zhao was also very sad. She suddenly regretted that she used her daughter's present appearance.

"Don't worry, my mother won't let them spoil your reputation like this."

No matter how unhappy Mrs. Zhao is, Mu's family and Zhao's family have also retired on this day.

Ningmengyao was very surprised when she heard the news, but soon thought it was a matter of course, because people like Zhao Xinxin would not be a good match, and naturally no one would like it.

"Tianchang, you said that Zhao Xinxin is now out of marriage, will she always want to pester feng'er?" Ningmengyao is worried about this now. If Zhao Xinxin really gets involved, what can their son do.

"Feng'er won't come here for a while. In other words, we won't stay here for a long time. Zhao Xinxin needs to know where people are even if he wants to pester feng'er?" Joe was able to see through.

Qiao mofeng and Zhao Mingyu are going out to practice now. When will they come back? I'm afraid they don't even know. How can Zhao Xinxin know? So it's impossible to pester people.

Ningmengyao thought a little, as if it was the same thing. Since it would not bring bad influence to her son, she would not have to think more.

"Tianchang, what do you think the Xiao family wants to do?" Zhao Xinxin's affair didn't leave much ripples in their hearts. Soon, Ning Mengyao changed the topic.

Qiao Tianchang frowned and shook his head at the same time: "I also don't understand this. First of all, their challenge competition appears inexplicably. It's to expand the strength of the family, but it shouldn't be like this."

Their challenge competition has reached a point where nothing can be avoided. Even teenagers can participate in it. Qiao moshang is only eight years old now, but he has to sign up for it in a funny way. Those people even agree to let her participate in it.

This makes Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao have doubts. What do these people want to do?

"Dad, you don't have to think so much. Maybe we can get unexpected babies this time." One side is talking to his younger brother and sister, said Jomo Shang suddenly.

"You know again?" Ningmengyao raises eyebrows.

Ning Mengyao knows some of her son's abilities, but she never asks Qiao moshang about them until he is willing to explain them.

"Mother, didn't you find out? The birthdays and months of the people they recruit are the same. Some of them are pure yin or pure Yang. " Jomo said with a smile.

If it's something else, he may not tell his parents about it. After all, it's not a good thing, but now they have joined in, so it's not good to let them know what's going on.

After Qiao moshang said that, Ning Mengyao and her husband and wife found that it seemed that it was really the same thing.

They took a look at each other and saw surprise in each other's eyes.

"Little monkey, do you mean that someone in the Xiao family is practicing evil Kung Fu?"

"Mom, I didn't say anything. You guessed it yourself." Jomo Shang looks at his parents and laughs.

Ningmengyao looks at her son without any words, so he doesn't know how many times he has said it. Every time he reminds them, it will become the way it is at last.

He reached out his hand and rubbed it on Jomo Shang's head. He looked down at the two ignorant little guys: "it seems that we shouldn't bring these two little things."

"Mom, you're wrong. Sugar and beans are the two keys to this." Jomo Shang said leisurely, as if he didn't worry about the safety of his two younger brothers and sisters at all.

"What do you mean, little monkey?"