Ning Mengyao looked at the person in front of him and asked lightly, "I don't know why you are blocking our way."

Nalan CI looked at ningmengyao. He had only heard the name of ningmengyao, but he had never met anyone before. Now when he saw someone, he felt a little surprised. How could such a gentle woman have such ability and such talent for business.

"My name is nalandi."

"So?" Ning Mengyao doesn't understand what this person means. If you call Nalan Ci, it's Nalan CI. What can I tell her here? They don't seem to have much to do with each other, do they?

"I think Mrs. Joe should know my intention." Naran said directly.

"Tianchang, do you know?" Ning Mengyao blinks in confusion, and looks at Qiao Tianchang with some doubts. He asks in a daze.

Joe Tianchang shook his head directly: "I don't know."

"You don't even know my husband, how can I know? Besides, I don't know you. " Ning Mengyao said casually.

Nalan's eyes were cold, and Ning Mengyao's eyes were thoughtful: "Mrs. Qiao's eloquence makes me bow to the wind."

"If the business people don't even have this eloquence, it's terrible. Does the Nalan family think I'm right?" Ning Mengyao asked with a smile as she looked at Nalan CI.

"If there's nothing wrong with the Nalan family leader, our husband and wife will not accompany us. We will take our children out." Qiao Tianchang directly ordered to leave, but Nalan Ci's face was cold. It was the first time he was treated like this.

"Don't you want to know why I came to you, Mrs. Joe?" Nalan CI looks at Ning Mengyao coldly, frowns and says.

Ningmengyao shrugged her shoulders casually, as if she didn't care at all.

Seeing the ningmengyao couple leaving, Nalan's eyes narrowed slightly. When the ningmengyao couple came to him, he suddenly said, "is this how the villa master and the villa master's wife treat their guests?"

Ningmengyao didn't have any accident to break his identity, after all, he had already guessed it.

Turning his head and looking at Nalan calmly, he said, "Nalan's master, are you threatening us?"

"No, I don't want to threaten you. I just want to have a good talk with you. I think we can be good partners." Nalan CI looks at Ning Mengyao calmly.

"Let's go, Yao Yao." Qiao Tianchang on the side said suddenly.

"Villa master Qiao looks down on me?" Nalan's heart was a little unhappy. His words had come to this point. Qiao Tianchang had no eyes like this.

Qiao Tianchang took a look at Nalan's words and said lightly: "it's not to look down on it, it's just that it's not speculative."

"Dad, we should go." Sugar in one side of the dissatisfied opening said.

They have agreed to go out to play. Why do they just talk to this uncle?

"OK, let's go." Joe Tianchang nodded his daughter's cheek and said with a spoiled face.

Ning Mengyao looked at Nalan's words with a light smile on her face: "I don't think you don't know anything about the festival between Nalan and Nalan. We are enemies with Nalan Qing. Naturally, we won't become partners with Nalan family, so don't waste time on us."

Nalan's eyebrows slightly wrinkled: "elder sister? What's the matter? "

Ning Mengyao looks at Nalan's words with a smile, and the expression on her face is strange: "I heard that your relationship with Nalan Qing is very good. How can she not tell you that? Don't you know what happened to Li Juanshui? "

Nalan frowned tightly: "believe it or not, I really don't know these things."

"Oh, I don't know. It's a pity. You can ask your sister what she did." Ning Mengyao smiled at Nalan Ci and said, "come to talk with us after you understand."