Nalan CI looked at Ning Mengyao and saw that she was not joking. He nodded and agreed: "I will find out about this."

"In that case, our husband and wife will leave first." Chong Nalan nods. Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang leave the restaurant with three children.

On the way, Ning Mengyao frowned tightly: "Tianchang, do you think he really doesn't know these things? Doesn't it mean that he has a good relationship with Nalan Qing? "

"It's probably true that he looks like that, but as for why it's between them." Qiao Tianchang said casually.

"You are right. It has nothing to do with us, but do you think they will fall out because of this?" Ningmengyao is really curious about this.

Qiao Tianchang turned to look at Ning Mengyao, with a funny face: "are you so curious about other people's affairs?"

"Well, there's some curiosity." Ning Mengyao naturally nodded, such things will naturally be curious, after all, it has something to do with them.

Qiao Tianchang suddenly felt helpless for his wife: "on this issue, it depends on whether their relationship is really good or not."

If their relationship is good, it will certainly not bring some trouble to their relationship, but if their relationship is not so good, it's hard to say.

Jomo Shangs helplessly looking at his parents, they are a family out to play, right? Why are we discussing such a problem now?

Nalan CI looked at the figure of Qiao Tianchang and the expression on their faces was very ugly.

"Shall we go back now?"

"You go back first."

After Nalan CI drove all the people around him away, he went to Xiao's house.

Nalan Qing saw that her brother would come to her at this time. She was surprised: "how did you come?"

"You don't want to see me coming?" Nalan's eyes narrowed slightly at his sister's cold voice and asked.

Nalan Qing's face changed, and then she smiled: "how can this happen? We haven't seen each other for a long time. "

"Yes, it seems that the last time I saw you was months ago, wasn't it?"

"How can I say it suddenly today?" For Nalan's words, Nalan Qing finally found out that there was something wrong.

Nalan didn't speak, just looked at her like that, frowned slightly, and the expression was really not good.

"I came here today to ask my elder sister about something. I should say that I asked her about it." Nalan CI looked into Nalan Qing's eyes and said very coldly.

"What do you want to know? You just let people talk about it directly. Why do you need to come and run by yourself? " Nalanqing's heart was full of doubts, but her face was full of smiles.

Nalan's speech means that he looks at Nalan Qing with a faint smile: "I must do this myself."

"What is it?" Nalan Qing has a bad feeling in her heart.

"Elder sister, have you met the villa leader and his wife of Xiaoyao villa? And there was a conflict with them? " Nalan CI looked at Nalan Qing's eyes and asked earnestly.

The persistent and serious eyes make Nalan Qing have no chance to dodge at all. She looks at her brother and feels uncomfortable: "how can you say this suddenly?"

"I don't think it's very sudden. Elder sister should know my plan, right?" Nalandi looked at her sister, but the expression on her face was a little bad. No matter who was messed up by her sister, she would not feel well.

Nalan Qing's eyes moved a little: "don't you believe me?"

"Elder sister, I just want to hear from you." Nalan CI looks at Nalan Qing and asks directly instead of answering her.

For Nalan Ci's persistence, Nalan Qing's heart is very embarrassed: "is it so important for you to say goodbye?"

"Of course, elder sister, you really have something to hide from me. That's why you don't want to tell me. You are always here to talk about him?" Nalan's speech seems to be a bit aggressive, but also shows the momentum of his position as the head of the family.